Other Qt-supported platforms
Qt 5 had support for a great range of platforms, from desktop and mobile platforms to embedded and web platforms. Qt 6 is yet to support all platforms that were supported in Qt 5, but the platforms will be gradually supported as Qt 6 matures. Currently, only embedded Linux is supported in the latest release of Qt 6 under the commercial license. You may have to wait some time to port your application to Qt 6 on a different embedded platform. Otherwise, if you want to migrate to Qt 6 immediately for your favorite embedded platform, you have to build from the source code and do the necessary modifications.
The following link provides a snapshot of embedded Linux support in Qt 6.2: https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt6-dev/embedded-linux.html. This link may get updated as Qt moves to the next release.
Qt also provides a Boot to Qt software stack for embedded Linux systems under commercial licenses. It is a lightweight, Qt-optimized complete software stack that...