Other services and features of Watson
While we already covered much of Watson's services in this book, there are a number of additional note-worthy services that we didn't. We'll briefly summarize those here.
Compare and Comply (C&C)
C&C is designed to deeply analyze complex business documents that you typically use to govern a business, such as contracts, invoices, and entitlements. It can identify parties, obligations, and the rights that are assigned to each. It can call out contractual clauses such as payment terms, warranties, and liabilities.
In addition to this, the service can be used to compare these elements between two documents—by highlighting the differences between them to assist in quickly understanding what may have changed between two versions of a contract, or how a given contract may differ from a boilerplate contract.
The C&C service can operate on a variety of document formats, including HTML, PDF, TIFF, JPG, and Microsoft Word. It will convert any of these formats...