SOVD is designed to provide a straightforward diagnostic interface for both modern software-defined vehicle architectures and legacy architectures, including classic ECUs. Additionally, SOVD ensures uniform access for remote, proximal, and in-vehicle diagnostic scenarios. Figure 5.2 provides a high-level view of in-vehicle, proximal, and remote diagnostics.

Figure 5.2 – SOVD use cases (in-vehicle, proximal, and remote)
The ECUs can be accessed within the vehicle (In-Vehicle), locally, near the vehicle (Proximity), or remotely via the cloud (Remote). Here is a detailed discussion of the three types of access:
- In-vehicle access: This means accessing ECUs from within the vehicle itself, typically for real-time monitoring, error detection, maintenance, and health status checks.
- Proximity access: This means accessing ECUs when physically near the vehicle, often required for diagnostics, repairs, or compliance verification, such as in...