7.2 Finite mixture models
One way to build mixture models is to consider a finite weighted mixture of two or more distributions. Then the probability density of the observed data is a weighted sum of the probability density of K subgroups:

We can interpret wi as the probability of the component i, and thus its values are restricted to the interval [0, 1] and they need to sum up to 1. The components p(y|θi) are usually simple distributions, such as a Gaussian or a Poisson. If K is finite, we have a finite mixture model. To fit such a model, we need to provide a value of K, either because we know the correct value beforehand or because we can make an educated guess.
Conceptually, to solve a mixture model, all we need to do is properly assign each data point to one of the components. In a probabilistic model, we can do this by introducing a random variable, whose function is to specify to which component a particular observation is assigned. This variable is generally referred...