Groups within IAM are objects that are associated with a set of permissions allowing any users that are members of that group to inherit the permissions of the group. The group itself does not have any credentials associated with it and so you are unable to authenticate to AWS using group details; it is simply an object within IAM containing users.
In order to create a group, follow these steps:
- From within the AWS Management Console, select IAM.
- Select Groups from the menu.
- Now select Create Group. You will arrive at the following screen:
- Enter a group name, which can have a maximum of 128 characters and can contain only alphanumeric characters and/or the following: +=,.@-_. In this example, we have entered AWS_Security as the name. Once your name is entered, select Next Step.
- As shown in the following screenshot, you can attach a policy and these policies contain permissions to access resources. We have selected the AmazonS3FullAccess policy in this...