Testing your knowledge – microservices design case study
The twelve-factor app (https://12factor.net/) is a broadly endorsed set of best practices for software applications – and software-as-a-service applications in particular. As such, it is a very useful reference for those designing microservices. Several of the 12 best practices mentioned in the list were already discussed in some way or another in this book, but there are still other useful concepts in there that are worth a read. It summarizes brilliantly what the fundamental factors for designing robust service-oriented applications are. For that reason, it's a resource worth referring to from time to time.
To test the knowledge you acquired in this chapter, let's wrap up with a design case study. You can use the twelve-factor app as a reference too. In this case study, you will be presented with a fictitious application and its current state and you'll be asked to recommend improvements for...