Labeling features using a joined table
Now that you have learned how to join tables, and seen how it links them to provide more information, what can you do with that information? In short, you can do anything with the joined information that you can do with the normal attributes in the layers Attribute Table.
In this recipe, you will learn how you label features using the data from the joined table. You will label each parcel with its PIN and Owner Name. You will use the new Arcade language to do this. You will learn more about Arcade in Chapter 11, Introducing Arcade.
Getting ready
You will need to have completed the previous recipe before you can begin this one.
How to do it...
- If you closed ArcGIS Pro after completing the previous recipe, open the
Joining Data.aprx
project by following the same instructions as shown in the beginning of the previous recipe. - Click on
on theMap
tab in the ribbon. Select theLabeling
bookmark. This will zoom you in to an area located in the...