HSV stands for hue, saturation, and value (or brightness). The HSV color space can be seen in the following screenshot:
You can check the image and the license at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV#/media/File:HSV_color_solid_cylinder_saturation_gray.png. In HSV, the color space stores the information in cylindrical format, as can be seen in the preceding screenshot.
The values of HSV are as follows:
- Hue: Color value (0–360)
- Saturation: Vibrancy of color (0–255)
- Value: Brightness or intensity (0–255)
Why should we use HSV color space? The HSV color model is preferred by various designers as HSV has a better representation of color than the RGB color space, which is useful when selecting color or ink. It is easy for people to relate to the colors using the HSV model as images can be seen using the three parameters of color, shade, and brightness.
We can specify the color on the basis of the angle...