The replication is configured for reliability purposes. Replication can also be tuned.
Configuring the replica settings
Getting ready
With your favorite text editor, open your file copy.
How to do it...
Adjust the following parameters:
How it works…
Here is an explanation of these settings:
- default.replication.factor: Default value: 1. For an automatically created topic, this sets how many replicas it has.
- Default value: 10 000. There are leaders and followers; if a follower has not sent any fetch request or is not consumed up in at least this time, the leader will remove the follower from the ISR list and consider the follower dead.
- replica.fetch.max.bytes: Default value: 1 048 576. In each request, for each partition, this value sets the maximum number of bytes fetched by a request from its leader. Remember that the maximum message size accepted by the broker is defined by message.max.bytes (broker configuration) or max.message.bytes (topic configuration).
- Default value: 500. This is the maximum amount of time for the leader to respond to a replica's fetch request. Remember that this value should always be smaller than the
- num.replica.fetchers: Default value: 1. The number of fetcher threads used to replicate messages from a source broker. Increasing this number increases the I/O rate in the following broker.
- Default value: 500. The high watermark (HW) is the offset of the last committed message. This value is the frequency at which each replica saves its high watermark to the disk for recovery.
- fetch.purgatory.purge.interval.requests: Default value: 1000. Purgatory is the place where the fetch requests are kept on hold till they can be serviced (great name, isn't?). The purge interval is specified in number of requests (not in time) of the fetch request purgatory.
- producer.purgatory.purge.interval.requests: Default value: 1000. It sets the purge interval in number of requests (not in time) of the producer request purgatory (do you catch the difference to the previous parameter?).
There's more...
Some other settings are listed here: