Nowadays, we live in a world where more and more things are getting connected to the Internet. These things generate helpful information that is usually delivered in real time. Streaming helps you ingest, process, analyze, and store data in a quick and responsive manner. Unlike batching, streaming happens in a real-time (or near real-time) fashion, which brings a new set of challenges--race conditions, network failures, buffers, and so on.
Akka Streams is a module built on top of Akka to make the ingestion and processing of streams easier, using the actor model under the hood. It provides easy-to-use APIs to create streams that leverage the power of the Akka toolkit without explicitly defining actor behaviors and messages. This allows you to focus on logic and forget about all of the boilerplate code required to manage the actor. Akka Streams follows the Reactive Streams manifesto, which defines a standard for asynchronous stream processing.
Akka Streams has backpressure mechanisms...