Remove.bg can be used by graphic designer, photographer or selfie lover for removing backgrounds.
It saves time as it is automated and it is free of cost.
Apart from the image file, this release doesn’t require inputs such as selecting pixels, marking persons, etc.
Remove.bg uses AI technology for detecting foreground layers and separating them from the background. It uses additional algorithms for improving fine details and preventing color contamination. The AI detects persons as foreground and everything else as background. So, it only works if there is at least one person in the image. Users can upload images of any resolution but for performance reasons, the output image has been limited to 500 × 500 pixels.
User images are uploaded through a secure SSL/TLS-encrypted connection. These images are processed and the result is temporarily stored till the time a user can download them. After which, approximately an hour later, these image files get deleted.
Privacy message on the official website of remove.bg states, “We do not share your images or use them for any other purpose than removing the background and letting you download the result.”
Users are very excited about this release and the technology used behind it. Many users are comparing it with the portrait mode on iPhone X. Though it is not that fast but users are still liking it.
But how strong is remove.bg with regards to privacy is a bigger question. Though the website gives a privacy note at the end but it will take more to win the user’s trust. The images uploaded to remove.bg’ cloud might be at risk. How strong is the security and what preventive measures have they taken? These are few of the questions that might bother many.
To have a look at the ongoing discussion on remove.bg, check out Benjamin Groessing’s AMA twitter thread.
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