Google's App Maker, has come out of its private preview mode and is now generally available. App Maker is an online tool for building and deploying business apps on the web. The company has remained quiet about its development ever since the launch one and a half years ago. However, now seeing the surge in making everything open source, App Maker remains open and free for all developers who want to give it a shot.
App Maker is available to all G Suite Business and Enterprise customers, as well as G Suite for Education customers. If App Maker isn’t yet enabled for your eligible domain, you can turn it on in the Apps > Additional Google services section of the Admin console.
The newly designed App Maker also has multiple features added to its basket. Most prominently, it now offers built-in support for Cloud SQL bringing high performance, scalability, and convenience.
It has a Bring Your Own Database (BYODB) model, letting you connect it to the database of your choice using JDBC or a REST API.
The new Google App Maker is fast and highly automated for app designing and development with Responsive templates, samples, a drag-and-drop UI design and declarative data modeling.
It can be easily connected with data and services such as Gmail, Calendar, or Sheets. You can also use Apps Script to access over 40 Google services, Google Cloud Platform and other third-party services that support JDBC and REST.
In fact, G Suite administrators will have complete visibility over the apps running in their organization. They can now view owners, usage metrics, and OAuth permissions. For example, you can view the activity of users using the Drive audit logs, or view the activity of end users in the OAuth Token audit logs. Administrators will also be able to prevent apps from running without their approval with expanded OAuth Whitelisting controls.
You can read the details on Google Blog. For more information on App Maker, check out the Help Center.
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