Node.js is one of the easiest platforms for prototyping and agile development. It’s used by large companies looking to scale their products quickly. However, using a platform on its own isn’t enough for most big projects today. Logging is also a key part of ensuring your web or mobile app runs smoothly for all users.
Application logging is the practice of recording information about your application’s runtime. These files are usually saved a logging platform which helps identify potential problems. While no app is perfect 100% of the time, logging helps developers cut down on errors and even cyber attacks. The nature of software is complex. We can’t always predict how an application will react to data, errors, or system changes. Logging helps us better understand our own programs.
So how do you handle logging in Node.js specifically? Following are some of the best practices for logging in Node.js to get the best results.
Let’s discuss the current legal regulations about what you can and cannot log. You should never log sensitive information or personal data. That means excluding credentials like passwords, credit card number or even email addresses.
Recent changes to regulation like Europe’s GDPR make this even more essential. You don’t want to get tied up in the legal red tape of sensitive data. When in doubt, stick to the 3 things that are needed for a solid log message: timestamp, log level, and description. Beyond this, you don’t need any extensive framework.
Node.js is built with a logging framework known as Winston. Winston is defined as transport for your logs, and you can install it directly into your application. Follow this guide to install Winston on your own.
Winston is a powerful tool that comes with different logging levels with values. You can fully customize this console as well with colors, messages, and output details. The most recent version available is 3.0.0, but always make sure you have the latest edition to keep your app running smoothly.
In addition to Winston, Morgan is an HTTP request logger that collects server logs and standardizes them. Think of it as a logger simplification. Morgan. While you’re free to use Morgan on its own, most developers choose to use it with Winston since they make a powerful team. Morgan also works well with express.js.
While Winston and Morgan are a great combination, they’re not your only option. Intel is another package solution with similar features as well as unique options. While you’ll see a lot of overlap in what they offer, Intel also includes a stack trace object.
These features will come in handy when it’s time to actually debug. Because it gives a stack trace as a JSON object, it’s much easier to pass messages up the logger chain. Think of Intel like the breadcrumbs taking your developers to the error.
You’ll hear a lot of discussion about configuration management in the Node.js world. Decoupling your code from services and database is no straightforward process. In Node.js, it’s best to use environment variables. You can also look up values from process.env within your code.
To determine which environment your program is running on, look up the NODE_ENV variables. You can also use the nconf module found here.
No developer wants to spend time reading through lines of code only to have to change the spaces to tabs, reformat the braces, etc. Style guides are a must, especially when logging on Node.js. If you’re working with a team of developers, it’s time to decide on a team style guide that everyone sticks to across the board.
When the code is written in a consistent style, you don’t have to worry about opinionated developers fighting for a say. It doesn’t matter which style you stick with, just make sure you can actually stick to it. The Googe style guide for Java is a great place to start if you can’t make a single decision.
Finally, accept that errors will happen and prepare for them. You don’t want an error to bring down your entire software or program. Exception management is key. Use an asyn structure to cleanly handle any errors. Whether the app simply restarts or moves on to the next stage, make sure something happens. Users need their errors to be handled.
As you can see, there are a few best practices to keep in mind when logging in Node.js. Don’t rely on your developers alone to debug the platform. Set a structure in place to handle these problems as they arise. Your users expect quality experience every time. Make sure you can deliver with these tips above.
Ashley Lipman
Content marketing specialist
Ashley is an award-winning writer who discovered her passion for providing creative solutions for building brands online. Since her first high school award in Creative Writing, she continues to deliver awesome content through various niches.
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