In this article by Patrick Hoey, the author of Mastering LibGDX Game Development, we will jump into creating the world of BludBourne (that's our game!). We will first learn some concepts and tools related to creating tile based maps and then we will look into starting with BludBorne!
We will cover the following topics in this article:
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
For the BludBourne project map locations, we will be using tilesets, which are terrain and decoration sprites in the shape of squares. These are easy to work with since LibGDX supports tile-based maps with its core library. The easiest method to create these types of maps is to use a tile-based editor. There are many different types of tilemap editors, but there are two primary ones that are used with LibGDX because they have built in support:
For the BludBourne project, we will be using Tiled. The following figure is a screenshot from one of the editing sessions when creating the maps for our game:
The following is a quick guide for how we can use Tiled for this project:
After reviewing a very brief description of how we can use the Tiled editor for BludBourne, the following screenshots show the three maps that we will be using for this project. The first screenshot is of the TOWN map which will be where our hero will discover clues from the villagers, obtain quests, and buy armor and weapons. The town has shops, an inn, as well as a few small homes of local villagers:
The next screenshot is of the TOP_WORLD map which will be the location where our hero will battle enemies, find clues throughout the land, and eventually make way to the evil antagonist held up in his castle. The hero can see how the pestilence of evil has started to spread across the lands and lay ruin upon the only harvestable fields left:
Finally, we make our way to the CASTLE_OF_DOOM map, which will be where our hero, once leveled enough, will battle the evil antagonist held up in the throne room of his own castle. Here, the hero will find many high level enemies, as well as high valued items for trade:
Now that we have created the maps for the different locations of BludBourne, we can now begin to develop the initial pieces of our source code project in order to load these maps, and move around in our world. The following diagram represents a high level view of all the relevant classes that we will be creating:
This class diagram is meant to show not only all the classes we will be reviewing in this article, but also the relationships that these classes share so that we are not developing them in a vacuum. The main entry point for our game (and the only platform specific class) is DesktopLauncher, which will instantiate BludBourne and add it along with some configuration information to the LibGDX application lifecycle. BludBourne will derive from Game to minimize the lifecycle implementation needed by the ApplicationListener interface. BludBourne will maintain all the screens for the game. MainGameScreen will be the primary gameplay screen that displays the different maps and player character moving around in them. MainGameScreen will also create the MapManager, Entity, and PlayerController. MapManager provides helper methods for managing the different maps and map layers. Entity will represent the primary class for our player character in the game. PlayerController implements InputProcessor and will be the class that controls the players input and controls on the screen. Finally, we have some asset manager helper methods in the Utility class used throughout the project.
The first class that we will need to modify is DesktopLauncher, which the gdx-setup tool generated:
package com.packtpub.libgdx.bludbourne.desktop;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Application;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication;
import com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplicationConfiguration;
import com.packtpub.libgdx.bludbourne.BludBourne;
The Application class is responsible for setting up a window, handling resize events, rendering to the surfaces, and managing the application during its lifetime. Specifically, Application will provide the modules for dealing with graphics, audio, input and file I/O handling, logging facilities, memory footprint information, and hooks for extension libraries.
The Gdx class is an environment class that holds static instances of Application, Graphics, Audio, Input, Files, and Net modules as a convenience for access throughout the game.
The LwjglApplication class is the backend implementation of the Application interface for the desktop. The backend package that LibGDX uses for the desktop is called LWJGL. This implementation for the desktop will provide cross-platform access to native APIs for OpenGL. This interface becomes the entry point that the platform OS uses to load your game.
The LwjglApplicationConfiguration class provides a single point of reference for all the properties associated with your game on the desktop:
public class DesktopLauncher {
public static void main (String[] arg) {
LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration();
config.title = "BludBourne";
config.useGL30 = false;
config.width = 800;
config.height = 600;
Application app = new LwjglApplication(new BludBourne(), config);
Gdx.app = app;
The config object is an instance of the LwjglApplicationConfiguration class where we can set top level game configuration properties, such as the title to display on the display window, as well as display window dimensions. The useGL30 property is set to false, so that we use the much more stable and mature implementation of OpenGL ES, version 2.0.
The LwjglApplicationConfiguration properties object, as well as our starter class instance, BludBourne, are then passed to the backend implementation of the Application class, and an object reference is then stored in the Gdx class. Finally, we will set the logging level for the game. There are four values for the logging levels which represent various degrees of granularity for application level messages output to standard out. LOG_NONE is a logging level where no messages are output. LOG_ERROR will only display error messages. LOG_INFO will display all messages that are not debug level messages. Finally, LOG_DEBUG is a logging level that displays all messages.
The next class to review is BludBourne. The class diagram for BludBourne shows the attributes and method signatures for our implementation:
The import packages for BludBourne are as follows:
package com.packtpub.libgdx.bludbourne;
import com.packtpub.libgdx.bludbourne.screens.MainGameScreen;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Game;
The Game class is an abstract base class which wraps the ApplicationListener interface and delegates the implementation of this interface to the Screen class. This provides a convenience for setting the game up with different screens, including ones for a main menu, options, gameplay, and cutscenes.
The MainGameScreen is the primary gameplay screen that the player will see as they move their hero around in the game world:
public class BludBourne extends Game {
public static final MainGameScreen _mainGameScreen = new MainGameScreen();
public void create(){
public void dispose(){
The gdx-setup tool generated our starter class BludBourne. This is the first place where we begin to set up our game lifecycle. An instance of BludBourne is passed to the backend constructor of LwjglApplication in DesktopLauncher which is how we get hooks into the lifecycle of LibGDX.
BludBourne will contain all of the screens used throughout the game, but for now we are only concerned with the primary gameplay screen, MainGameScreen. We must override the create() method so that we can set the initial screen for when BludBourne is initialized in the game lifecycle. The setScreen() method will check to see if a screen is already currently active. If the current screen is already active, then it will be hidden, and the screen that was passed into the method will be shown. In the future, we will use this method to start the game with a main menu screen. We should also override dispose() since BludBourne owns the screen object references. We need to make sure that we dispose of the objects appropriately when we are exiting the game.
In this article, we first learned about tile based maps and how to create them with the Tiled editor. We then learned about the high level architecture of the classes we will have to create and implemented starter classes which allowed us to hook into the LibGDX application lifecycle.
Have a look at Mastering LibGDX Game Development to learn about textures, TMX formatted tile maps, and how to manage them with the asset manager. Also included is how the orthographic camera works within our game, and how to display the map within the render loop. You can learn to implement a map manager that deals with collision layers, spawn points, and a portal system which allows us to transition between different locations seamlessly. Lastly, you can learn to implement a player character with animation cycles and input handling for moving around the game map.
Further resources on this subject: