(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
CRUD stands for create, read, update, and delete, which are the four basic functions our application should do with our blog post records. Phalcon web tools will also help us to get these built. Click on the Scaffold tab on the web tools page and you will see a page as shown in the following screenshot:
Select posts from the Table name list and volt from the Template engine list, and check Force this time, because we are going to force our new files to overwrite the old model and controller files that we just generated. Click on the Generate button and some magic should happen.
Browse to http://localhost/phalconBlog/posts and you will see a page like the following screenshot:
We finally have some functionality we can use. We have no posts, but we can create some. Click on the Create posts link and you will see a page similar to the one we were just at. The form will look nearly the same, but it will have a Create posts heading. Fill out the Title, Body, and Excerpt fields and click on the Save button. The form will post, and you will get a message stating that the post was created successfully.
This will take you back to the post's index page. Now you should be able to search for and find the post you just created. If you forgot what you posted, you can click on Search without entering anything in the fields, and you should see a page like the following screenshot:
This is not a very pretty or user-friendly blog application. But it got us started, and that's all we need. The next time we start a Phalcon project, it should only take a few minutes to go through these steps. Now we will look over our generated code, and as we do, modify it to make it more blog-like.
In this article, we worked on the model, view, and controller for the posts in our blog. To do this, we used Phalcon web tools to generate our CRUD scaffolding for us. Then, we modified this generated code so it would do what we need it to do. We can now add posts. We also learned about the Volt template engine.
Further resources on this subject: