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The UCP collects configuration and performance information that includes database file space utilization, CPU utilization, and storage volume utilization from each enrolled instance. Using Utility Explorer helps you to troubleshoot the resource health issues identified by SQL Server UCP. The issues might include mitigating over-utilized CPU on a single instance or multiple instances.
UCP also helps in reporting troubleshooting information using SQL Server Utility on issues that might include resolving a failed operation to enroll an instance of SQL Server with a UCP, troubleshooting failed data collection resulting in gray icons in the managed instance list view on a UCP, mitigating performance bottlenecks, or resolving resource health issues.
The reader will benefit by referring the previous articles on Best Practices for SQL Server 2008 R2 Administration and Managing the Core Database Engine before proceeding ahead.
The UCP and all managed instances of SQL Server must satisfy the following prerequisites:
To set up the SQL Server Utility you need to:
Since the UCP itself becomes a managed instance automatically, once the UCP wizard is completed, the Utility Explorer content will display a graphical view of various parameters, as follows:
To define the global and instance level policies to monitor the multiple instances, use the Utility Explorer from SSMS tool and complete the following steps:
For this recipe, we have modified (increased) the lower threshold for CPU utilization to 5 percent.
Now, let us test whether the defined global policies are working or not.
create table test (
x int not null,
y char(896) not null default (''),
z char(120) not null default('')
insert test (x)
select r
selectrow_number() over (order by (select 1)) r
from master..spt_values a, master..spt_values b
) p
where r <= 4000000
create clustered index ix_x on test (x, y)
with fillfactor=51
We should now have completed the strategic steps to manage multiple instances using the Utility Explorer tool.
The unified view of instances from Utility Explorer is the starting point of application and multi-server management that helps the DBAs to manage the multiple instances efficiently.
Within the UCP, each managed instance of SQL Server is instrumented with a data collection set that queries configuration and performance data and stores it back in UMDW on the UCP every 15 minutes. By default, the data-tier applications automatically become managed by the SQL Server utility. Both of these entities are managed and monitored based on the global policy definitions or individual policy definitions.
Troubleshooting resource health issues identified by an SQL Server UCP might include mitigating over-utilized CPU on a computer on an instance of SQL Server, or mitigating over-utilized CPU for a data-tier application. Other issues might include resolving over-utilized file space for database files or resolving over-utilization of allocated disk space on a storage volume. The managed instances health parameter collects the following system resource information:
Status for each parameter is divided into four categories:
The data collection process begins immediately, but it can take up to 30 minutes for data to appear in the dashboard and viewpoints in the Utility Explorer content pane. However, the data collection set for each managed instance of an SQL Server will send relevant configuration and performance data to the UCP every 15 minutes.
This article on SQL Server 2008 R2 covered Multiserver Management Using Utility Explorer.