A hashing algorithm is a cryptographic hash technique. It is a scientific calculation that maps data with a subjective size to a hash with a settled size. It's intended to be a single direction function, that you cannot alter. This article covers hash functions and the implementation of a hashing algorithm in Golang.
This article is taken from the book Learn Data Structures and Algorithms with Golang by Bhagvan Kommadi. Complete with hands-on tutorials, this book will guide you in using the best data structures and algorithms for problem-solving in Golang.
Install Go version 1.10 for your OS. The GitHub URL for the code in this article is available here.
Hash functions are used in cryptography and other areas. These data structures are presented with code examples related to cryptography. There are two ways to implement a hash function in Go: with crc32 or sha256. Marshaling (changing the string to an encoded form) saves the internal state, which is used for other purposes later. A BinaryMarshaler (converting the string into binary form) example is explained in this section:
//main package has examples shown // in Hands-On Data Structures and algorithms with Go book package main // importing bytes, crpto/sha256, encoding, fmt and log package import ( "bytes" "crypto/sha256" "encoding" "fmt" "log" "hash" )
The main method creates a binary marshaled hash of two example strings. The hashes of the two strings are printed. The sum of the first hash is compared with the second hash using the equals method on bytes. This is shown in the following code:
//main method func main() { const ( example1 = "this is a example " example2 = "second example" ) var firstHash hash.Hash firstHash = sha256.New() firstHash.Write([]byte(example1)) var marshaler encoding.BinaryMarshaler var ok bool marshaler, ok = firstHash.(encoding.BinaryMarshaler) if !ok { log.Fatal("first Hash is not generated by encoding.BinaryMarshaler") } var data []byte var err error data, err = marshaler.MarshalBinary() if err != nil { log.Fatal("failure to create first Hash:", err) } var secondHash hash.Hash secondHash = sha256.New() var unmarshaler encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler unmarshaler, ok = secondHash.(encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler) if !ok { log.Fatal("second Hash is not generated by encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler") } if err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalBinary(data); err != nil { log.Fatal("failure to create hash:", err) } firstHash.Write([]byte(example2)) secondHash.Write([]byte(example2)) fmt.Printf("%x\n", firstHash.Sum(nil)) fmt.Println(bytes.Equal(firstHash.Sum(nil), secondHash.Sum(nil))) }
Run the following command to execute the hash.go file:
go run hash.go
The output is as follows:
Hash implementation in Go has crc32 and sha256 implementations. An implementation of a hashing algorithm with multiple values using an XOR transformation is shown in the following code snippet. The CreateHash function takes a byte array, byteStr, as a parameter and returns the sha256 checksum of the byte array:
//main package has examples shown // in Go Data Structures and algorithms book package main // importing fmt package import ( "fmt" "crypto/sha1" "hash" ) //CreateHash method func CreateHash(byteStr []byte) []byte { var hashVal hash.Hash hashVal = sha1.New() hashVal.Write(byteStr) var bytes []byte bytes = hashVal.Sum(nil) return bytes }
In the following sections, we will discuss the different methods of hash algorithms.
The CreateHashMutliple method takes the byteStr1 and byteStr2 byte arrays as parameters and returns the XOR-transformed bytes value, as follows:
// Create hash for Multiple Values method func CreateHashMultiple(byteStr1 []byte, byteStr2 []byte) []byte { return xor(CreateHash(byteStr1), CreateHash(byteStr2)) }
The xor method takes the byteStr1 and byteStr2 byte arrays as parameters and returns the XOR-transformation result, as follows:
The main method invokes the createHashMutliple method, passing Check and Hash as string parameters, and prints the hash value of the strings, as follows:
// main method func main() { var bytes []byte bytes = CreateHashMultiple([]byte("Check"), []byte("Hash")) fmt.Printf("%x\n", bytes) }
Run the following command to execute the hash.go file:
go run hash.go
The output is as follows:
In this article, we discussed hashing algorithms in Golang alongside code examples and performance analysis.
To know more about network representation using graphs and sparse matrix representation using a list of lists in Go, read our book Learn Data Structures and Algorithms with Golang.
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