Open Quantum Assembly Language (OpenQASM, pronounced open kazm) is a custom programming language designed specifically to minimally describe quantum circuits. In this tutorial, we will learn how to translate OpenQASM programs into quantum scores with IBM QX. We will also look at representing quantum scores in OpenQASM 2.0 programs.
You will need a modern web browser and the ability to sign into IBM QX This tutorial is an excerpt taken from the book 'Mastering Quantum Computing with IBM QX' written by Dr. Christine Corbett Moran. The book explores quantum computing by implementing quantum programs on IBM QX, helping you be at the forefront of the next revolution in computation.
The Quantum Composer is a tool to specify quantum programs graphically, and many SDKs and APIs exist to write compute code to represent a quantum program in a modern language (Python being a common choice). Like the Quantum Composer, OpenQASM a higher-level language for specifying quantum programs than computer code, but unlike the Quantum Composer, it is neither graphical nor user interface specific, so it can be much easier to specify longer programs that can be directly copied into the many quantum simulators or into IBM QX for use. The Quantum Composer can take as input, programs in OpenQASM, and translate them into the graphical view. Likewise, for every program specified in the Quantum Composer it is easy to access the equivalent in OpenQASM within the IBM QX user interface.
OpenQASM is similar in syntax to C:
Additionally, the following points apply:
Reading and writing OpenQASM 2.0 programs for the IBM QX will involve the following operations:
Include header | include "qelib1.inc"; |
Declaring a quantum register (qregname is any name you choose for the quantum register) | qreg qregname[k]; |
Referencing a quantum register | qregname[i]; |
Declaring a classical register
(cregname is any name you choose for the quantum register) |
creg cregname[k]; |
Referencing a classical register | cregname[i]; |
One-qubit gate list, available with inclusion of qelib1.inc on IBM QX | h, t, tdg, s, sdg, x, y, z, id |
One-qubit gate action syntax | gate q[i]; |
Two-qubit CNOT gate list, available with inclusion of qelib1.inc on IBM QX | cx |
Two-qubit CNOT gate action (control and target both qubits in a previously declared quantum register) | cnot control, target; |
Measurement operations available | measure, bloch |
Measurement operation action syntax |
measure q[i] -> c[j];
Barrier operation (args are a comma-separated list of qubits) |
barrier args;
Primitive gates (OpenQASM standard but not used on IBM QX) |
We will now learn reading OpenQASM programs and translating them into quantum scores as well as translating quantum scores to OpenQASM programs.
In this tutorial, we will translate OpenQASM programs into quantum scores by hand to practice, reading OpenQASM code.
Consider the following program:
OPENQASM 2.0; include "qelib1.inc"; qreg q[1]; x q[0];
The following lines are the standard headers for working with IBM QX:
OPENQASM 2.0; include "qelib1.inc";
Then the following line declares a quantum register of size one named q:
qreg q[1];
Quantum registers are automatically initialized to contain |"0">.
Finally, the next line operates the X gate on the first (and only) qubit in the q quantum register:
x q[0];
Putting this all together, we can create the following equivalent quantum score:
Next, consider the OpenQASM program:
OPENQASM 2.0; include "qelib1.inc"; qreg q[2]; creg c[1]; x q[0]; y q[0]; z q[0]; s q[1]; measure q[0] -> c[0];
The first two preceding lines are the standard header to declare a program and OpenQASM program and the standard import header to interface with the IBM QX. The next two lines declare a quantum register of two qubits initialized to |"00"> and a classical register of one bit initialized to 0:
qreg q[2]; creg c[1];
The next three lines apply gates, in order, to the first qubit in the q quantum register:
x q[0]; y q[0]; z q[0];
The next line applies a gate to the second qubit in the q quantum register:
s q[1];
And the final line measures the first qubit in the q quantum register and places the result in the first (and only) bit in the c classical register:
measure q[0] -> c[0];
Putting this all together, we can create the following equivalent quantum score:
Here is an example of writing an OpenQASM 2.0 program from a quantum score. I have broken it down into columns from top to bottom of the score for clarity and annotated these in the diagram by indicating column numbers in orange.
Here's the circuit illustrating the reversibility of quantum computations:
Let's dissect the OpenQASM that generates this circuit.
The first lines are, as usual, the headers, indicating the code is OpenQASM and that we will be using the standard IBM QX header:
OPENQASM 2.0; include "qelib1.inc";
The next lines declare a quantum register named q of 5 qubits initialized to |"00000"> and a classical register name c of 5 bits initialized to 00000:
// declare the quantum and classical registers we will use qreg q[5]; creg c[5];
The next lines will go column by column in the circuit diagram, creating the code for each column in order.
We will start with the first column:
The first column we can see only contains a CNOT gate, with its control qubit being the third qubit in the q quantum register, q[2] and the target qubit being the second qubit in the q quantum register, q[1]. Looking up the OpenQASM syntax for the CNOT gate in the table in the previous section, we see that it is cnot control, target; which means that the first column will be coded as:
//column 1 cx q[2],q[1];
Next, we will move to the second column, which has a number of gates specified. The code for the second column is:
//column2 x q[1]; h q[2]; s q[3]; y q[4];
Each successive column should now be straightforward to encode from looking at the quantum score in OpenQASM. The full program is as follows:
OPENQASM 2.0; include "qelib1.inc"; // declare the quantum and classical registers we will use qreg q[5]; creg c[5]; //column 1 cx q[2],q[1]; //column2 x q[1]; h q[2]; s q[3]; y q[4]; //column 3 t q[2]; z q[3]; //column 4 tdg q[2]; z q[3]; //column 5 x q[1]; h q[2]; sdg q[3]; y q[4]; // column 6 cx q[2],q[1]; // column 7 measure q[0] -> c[0]; // column 8 measure q[1] -> c[1]; // column 9 measure q[2] -> c[2]; // column 10 measure q[3] -> c[3]; // column 11 measure q[4] -> c[4];
The previous code exactly reproduced the quantum score as depicted, but we could make several quantum scores, which are equivalent (and thus several variations on the OpenQASM program that are equivalent), as we saw in previous sections. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:
t q[2]; z q[3];
z q[3]; tdg q[2];
In addition, any gate operating on a qubit in any column where there is no gate in the previous column on the qubit can be moved to the previous column, without affecting the computation.
In this article, we learned how to translate OpenQASM programs in IBX QX into quantum scores. We also looked at Representing quantum scores in OpenQASM 2.0 programs. If you want to learn other concepts and principles of Quantum Computing with IBM QX, be sure to check out the book 'Mastering Quantum Computing with IBM QX'.
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