In this article by Kevin Horek author of Learning Zurb Foundation, we will be covering the following points:
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Over the last couple of years, showing wireframes to most clients has not really worked well for me. They never seem to quite get it, and if they do, they never seem to fully understand all the functionality through a wireframe. For some people, it is really hard to picture things in their head, they need to see exactly what it will look and function like to truly understand what they are looking at. You should still do a rough wireframe either on paper, on a whiteboard, or on the computer. Then once you and/or your team are happy with these rough wireframes, then jump right into the prototype.
You might think prototyping this early on when the client has only seen a sitemap is crazy, but the thing is, once you master Foundation, you can build prototypes in about the same time you would spend doing traditional high quality wireframes in Illustrator or whatever program you currently use. With these prototypes, you can make things clickable, interactive, and super fast to make edits to after you get feedback from the client. With the default Foundation components, you can work out how things will work on a phone, tablet, and desktop/laptop. This way you can work with your team to fully understand how things will function and start seeing where the project's potential issues will be. You can then assign people to start dealing with these potential problems early on in the process.
When you are ready to show the client, you can walk them through their project on multiple devices and platforms. You can easily show them what content they are going to need and how that content will flow and reflow based on the medium the user is viewing their project on. You should try to get content as early as possible; a lot of companies are hiring content strategists. These content strategists handle working with the client to get, write, and rework content to fit in the responsive web medium. This allows you to design around a client's content, or at least some of the content. We all know that what a client says they will get you for content is not always what you get, so you may need to tweak the design to fit the actual content you get. Making these theming changes to accommodate these content changes can be a pain, but with Foundation, you can just reflow part of the page and try some ideas out in the prototype before you put them back into the working development site. Once you have built up a bunch of prototypes, you can easily combine and use parts of them to create new designs really fast for current or new projects.
When prototyping, you should keep everything grayscale, without custom fonts, or a theme beyond the base Foundation one. These prototypes do not have to look pretty. The less it looks like a full design, the better off you will be. You will have to inform your client that an actual design for their project will be coming and that it will be done after they sign off this prototype.
When you show the client, you should bring a phone, a tablet, and a laptop to show them how the project will flow on each of these devices. This takes out all the confusion about what happens to the layouts on different screen sizes and on touch and non-touch devices. It also allows your client and your team to fully understand what they are building and how everything works and functions.
Trying to take a PDF of wireframes, a Photoshop file, and trying to piece them together to build a responsive web project can be really challenging. With this approach, so many details can get lost in translation, you have to keep going back to talk to the client or your team about how certain things should work or function. Even worse, you have to make huge changes to a section close to the end of the project because something was designed without being really thought through and now your developers have to scramble to make something work within the budget. Prototyping can sort out all the issues or at least the major issues that could arise in the project.
With these Foundation prototypes, you keep building on the code for each step of the web building process. Your designer can work with your frontend/backend team to come up with a prototype that everyone is happy with and commit to being able to build it before the client sees anything. If you are familiar with version control, you can use it to keep track of your prototypes and collaborate with another person or a team of people. The two most popular version control software applications are Git (http://git-scm.com/) and Subversion (http://subversion.apache.org/). Git is the more popular of the two right now; however, if you are working on a project that has been around for a number of years, chances are that it will be in Subversion. You can migrate from one to the other, but it might take a bit of work.
These prototypes keep your team on the same page right from the beginning of the project and allow the client to sign off on functionality and how the project will work on different mediums. Yes, you are spending more time at the beginning getting everyone on the same page and figuring out functionality early on, but this process should sort out all the confusion later in a project and save you time and money at the end of the project.
When the client has changes that are out of scope, it is easy to reference back to the prototype and show them how that change will impact what they signed off on. If the change is major enough then you will need to get them a cost on making that change happen.
You should test your prototypes on an iPhone, an Android phone, an iPad, and your desktop or laptop. I would also figure out what browser your client uses and make sure you test on that as well. If they are using an older version of IE, 8 or earlier, you will need to have the conversation with them about how Foundation 4+ does not support IE8. If that support is needed, you will have to come up with a solution to handle this outdated version of IE. Looking at a client's analytics to see what versions of IE their clients are coming to the project with will help you decide how to handle older versions of IE. Analytics might tell you that you can drop the version all together.
Another great component that is included with Foundation is Modernizr (http://modernizr.com/); this allows you to write conditional JS and/or CSS for a specific situation or browser version. This really can be a lifesaver.
While you are learning Foundation, you might think that using Foundation on a smaller project will eat up your entire budget. However, these are the best projects to learn Foundation. Basically, you take the prototype to a place where you can show a client the rough look and feel using Foundation. Then, you create a theme board in Photoshop with colors, fonts, photos and anything else to show the client. This first version will be a grayscale prototype that will function across multiple screen sizes. Then you can pull up your theme board to show the direction you are thinking of for the look and feel. If you still feel more comfortable doing your designs in Photoshop, there are some really good Photoshop grid templates at http://www.yeedeen.com/downloads/category/30-psd. If you want to create a custom grid that you can take a screenshot of, then paste into Photoshop, and then drag your guidelines over the grid to make your own template, you can refer to http://www.gridlover.net/foundation/.
These methods are not perfect and may not always work for you, but you're going to see my workflow and how Foundation can be used on all of your web projects. You will figure out what will work with your clients, your projects, and your workflow. Also, you might have slightly different workflows based on the type of project, and/or project budget.
If the client does not see value in having a responsive site, you should choose if you want to work with these types of clients. The Web is not one standard resolution anymore and it never will be again, so if a client does not understand that, you might want to consider not working with them. These types of clients are usually super hard to work with and your time is better spent on clients that get or are willing to allow you to teach them and trust you that you are building their project for the modern Web. Personally, clients that have fought with me to not be responsive usually come back a few months later wondering why their site does not work great on their new smartphone or tablet and wanting you to fix it. So try and address this up front and it will save you grief later on and make your clients happier and their experience better.
Like anything, there are exceptions to this but just make sure you have a contract in place to outline that you are not building this as responsive, and that it could cause the client a lot of grief and costs later to go back and make it responsive. No matter what you do for a client, you should have a contract in place, this will just make sure you both understand what is each party responsible for. Personally, I like to use a modified version of, (https://gist.github.com/malarkey/4031110). This contract does not have any legal mumbo jumbo that people do not understand. It is written in plain English and has a little bit of a less serious tone.
Now that we have covered why prototyping with Foundation is faster than doing wireframes or prototypes in Photoshop, let's talk about what comes in the base Foundation framework. Then we will cover which version to install, and then go through each file and folder.
Before we get started, please refer to the http://foundation.zurb.com/develop/download.html webpage.
You will see that there are four versions of Foundation: complete, essentials, custom, and SCSS. But let's talk about the other versions. The essentials is just a smaller version of Foundation that does not include all the components of the framework; this version is a barebones version. Once you are familiar with Foundation, you will likely only include the components that you need for a specific project. By only including the components you need, you can speed up the load time of your project and you do not make the user download files that are not being used by your project. The custom version allows you to pick the components and basic sizes, colors, radius, and text direction. You will likely use this or the SCSS version of Foundation once you are more comfortable with the framework.
The SCSS or Sass version of Foundation is the most powerful version. If you do not know what Sass is, it basically gives you additional features of CSS that can speed up how you theme your projects. There is actually another version of Foundation that is not listed on this page, which can be found by hitting the blue Getting Started option in the top right-corner and then clicking on App Guide under Building and App. You can also visit this version at http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/applications.html. This version is the Ruby Gem version of Foundation, and unless you are building a Ruby on Rails project, you will never use this version of Foundation. Zurb keeps the gem pretty up to date, you will likely get the new version of the gem about a week or two after the other versions come out.
Alright, let's get into Foundation. If you have not already, hit the blue Download Everything button below the complete heading on the webpage.
We will be building a one page demo site from the base Foundation theme that you just downloaded. This way, you can see how to take what you are given by default and customize this base theme to look anyway you want it to. We will give this base theme a custom look and feel, and make it look like you are not using a responsive framework at all. The only way to tell is if you view the source of the website. The Zurb components have very little theming applied to them. This allows you to not have to worry about really overriding the CSS code and you can just start adding additional CSS to customize these components.
We will cover how to use all the major components of the framework, you will have an advanced understanding of the framework and how you can use it on all your projects going forward. Foundation has been used on small-to-large websites, web apps, at startups, with content management systems, and with enterprise-level applications.
The base theme that you download is made up of an HTML index file, a folder of CSS files, JavaScript files, and an empty img folder for images, which are explained in the following points:
The Foundation documentation is located at http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/.
Foundation is really well documented and provides a lot of code samples and examples to use in your own projects. All the components also contain Sass variables that you can use to customize some of the defaults and even build your own. This saves you writing a bunch of override CSS classes.
Each part of the framework is listed on the left-hand side and you can click on what you are looking for. You are taken to a page about that specific part and can read the section's overview, view code samples, working examples, and how to customize that part of the framework. Each section has a pretty good walk through about how to use each piece.
Zurb is constantly updating Foundation, so you should check the change log every once in a while at http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/changelog.html.
If you need documentation on an older version of Foundation, it is at the bottom of the documentation site in the left-hand column. Zurb keeps all the documentation back to Foundation 2. The only reason you will ever need to use Foundation 2 is if you need to support a really, really old version of IE, such as version 7. Foundation never supported IE6, but you will likely never have to worry about that version of IE.
If you have an older version of Foundation, each version has a migration guide. The migration guide from Foundation 4 to 5 can be found at http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/upgrading.html.
Personally, I have migrated websites and web apps in multiple languages and as long as Zurb does not change the grid, like they did from Foundation 3 to 4, then usually we copy-and-paste over the old version of the Foundation CSS, JavaScript, and images. You will likely have to change some JavaScript calls, do some testing, and do some minor fixes here and there, but it is usually a pretty smooth process as long as you did not modify the core framework or write a bunch of custom overrides. If you did either of these things, you will be in for a lot of work or a full rebuild of your project, so you should never modify the core.
For old versions of Foundation, or if your version has been heavily modified, it might be easier to start with a fresh version of Foundation and copy-and-paste in the parts that you want to still use. Personally, I have done both and it really depends on the project.
Before you do any migration, make sure you are using some sort of version control, such as GIT. If you do not know what GIT is, you should look into it. Here is a good place to start: (http://git-scm.com/book/en/Getting-Started) GIT has saved me from losing code so many times. If GIT is a little overwhelming right now, at the very least, duplicate your project folder as a backup and then copy in the new version of the framework over your files. If things are really broken, you can at least still use your old version while you work out the kinks in the new version.
At some point, you will likely have questions about something in the framework, or will be trying to get something to work and for some reason, you can't figure it out. Foundation has multiple ways to get support, some of which are listed as follows:
To visit or get in-touch with support go to http://foundation.zurb.com/support/support.html.
Foundation 5 supports the majority of browsers and devices, but like anything modern, it drops support for older browser versions. If you need IE8 or cringe, or IE7 support, you will need to use an older version of Foundation. You can see a full browser and device compatibility list at http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/compatibility.html.
Zurb also builds a bunch of other components that usually make their way into Foundation at some point, and work well with Foundation even though they are not officially part of it. These components range from new JavaScript libraries, fonts, icons, templates, and so on. You can visit their playground at http://zurb.com/playground. This playground also has other great resources and tools that you can use on other projects and other mediums. The things at Zurb's playground can make designing with Foundation a lot easier, even if you are not a designer. It can take quite a while to find icons or make them into SVGs or fonts for use in your projects, but Zurb has provided these in their playground.
The best way to show you how to learn the Zurb Foundation Responsive Framework is to actually get you building a demo site along with me. You can visit the final demo site we will be building at http://www.learningzurbfoundation.com/demo.
We will be taking the base starter theme that we downloaded and making a one-page demo site. The demo site is built to teach you how to use the components and how they work together. You can also add outside components, but you can try those on your own. The demo site will show you how to build a responsive website, and it might not look like an ideal site, but I am trying to use as many components as possible to show you how to use the framework. Once you complete this site, you will have a deep understanding of the framework. You can then use this site as a starter theme or at the very least, as a reference for all your Foundation projects going forward.
In this article, we covered how to rough wireframe and quickly moved into prototyping. We also covered the following points:
Further resources on this subject: