Connecting our LoRa receiver to the internet
Our first task is to revise the code on our CircuitPython-based LoRa receiver, enabling it to forward LoRa messages received by our CloudAMQP server. We’ll use Adafruit CircuitPython libraries for this update. Before building and programming our new weather indicator to process MQTT messages, we’ll test the MQTT functionality using the MQTT-Explorer app in Windows. We can see an outline of this chapter’s project in the following diagram:

Figure 10.1 – Controlling an analog-metered weather indicator with LoRa-transmitted sensory data
In Figure 10.1, we can see that our Raspberry Pi Pico LoRa sensory transmitter from Chapter 9 sends temperature and humidity data through LoRa to the LoRa receiver we also built in Chapter 9. We do not need to change the code for our transmitter as it performs what we need it to do. As mentioned, we will update the code for our LoRa receiver as we require...