Further reading
To complement this chapter, the following links may help:
- Dissecting a transaction:
- Antonopoulos, Andreas. Mastering Ethereum book, Chapter 6: Transactions · GitBook, 2018, cypherpunks-core.github.io/ethereumbook/06transactions.html.
- Piper Merriam and Jason Carver. Ethereum Name Service — Web3.py documentation, 2018, https://web3py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ens_overview.html.
- KLmoney. Bitcoin: Dissecting Transactions | CryptoTokens, May 26, 2017, https://klmoney.wordpress.com/bitcoin-dissecting-transactions.
- A very detailed analysis of the Bitcoin transaction can be found in Nick Furneaux’s book Investigating Cryptocurrencies.
- https://abi-parser-nvk.vercel.app/ and https://github.com/shazow/whatsabi.
- Dissecting a block:
- Buterin, Vitalik. Merkling in Ethereum | Ethereum Foundation Blog, 2015, https://blog.ethereum.org/2015/11/15/merkling-in-ethereum.
- Furneaux, Nick. Investigating Cryptocurrencies, Chapter 3: Understanding, Extracting, and...