In this tutorial, you will learn the functionalities of endpoint operations management agent and how you can effectively manage it. You can install the Endpoint Operations Management Agent from a tar.gz or .zip archive, or from an operating system-specific installer for Windows or for Linux-like systems that support RPM.
This is an excerpt from Mastering vRealize Operations Manager - Second Edition written by Spas Kaloferov, Scott Norris, Christopher Slater.
Before you start, you have to make sure you have vRealize Operations user credentials to ensure that you have enough permissions to deploy the agent.
Let's see how can we install the agent on both Linux and Windows machines.
Perform the following steps to install the Agent on a Linux machine:
[root]# rpm -Uvh <DistributableFileName>
In this example, we are installing on CentOS. Only when we start the service will it generate a token and ask for the server's details.
service epops-agent start
The previous command will prompt you to enter the following information about the vRealize Operations instance:
The agent token is generated by the Endpoint Operations Management Agent. It is only created the first time the endpoint is registered to the server. The name of the token is random and unique, and is based on the name and IP of the machine.
Provide the necessary information, as shown in the following screenshot:
Go into the vRealize Operations UI and navigate to Administration | Configuration | Endpoint Operations, and select the Agents tab:
After it is deployed, the Endpoint Operations Management Agent starts sending monitoring data to vRealize Operations, where the data is collected by the Endpoint Operations Management adapter.
You can also verify the collection status of the Endpoint Operations Management Agent for your virtual machine on the Inventory Explorer page.
On a Windows machine, the Endpoint Operations Management Agent is installed as a service.
The following steps outline how to install the Agent via the .zip archive bundle, but you can also install it via an executable file.
Perform the following steps to install the Agent on a Windows machine:
ep-agent.bat install
ep-agent.bat start
If this is the first time you are installing the agent, a setup process will be initiated. If you have specified configuration values in the agent properties file, those will be used.
Upon starting the service, it will prompt you for the same values as it did when we installed in on a Linux machine. Enter the following information about the vRealize Operations instance:
After it is deployed, the Endpoint Operations Management Agent starts sending monitoring data to vRealize Operations, where the data is collected by the Endpoint Operations Management adapter. You can verify the collection status of the Endpoint Operations Management Agent for your virtual machine on the Inventory Explorer page:
Because the agent is collecting data, the collection status of the agent is green.
Alternatively, you can also verify the collection status of the Endpoint Operations Management Agent by navigating to Administration | Configuration | Endpoint Operations, and selecting the Agents tab.
In a typical environment, the Endpoint Operations Management Agent will not be installed on many/all virtual machines or physical servers. Usually, only those servers holding critical applications or services will be monitored using the agent. Of those servers which are not, manually installing and updating the Endpoint Operations Management Agent can be done with reasonable administrative effort. If we have an environment where we need to install the agent on many VMs, and we are using some kind of provisioning and automation engine like Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager or VMware vRealize Automation, which has application-provisioning capabilities, it is not recommended to install the agent in the VM template that will be cloned.
If for whatever reason you have to do it, do not start the Endpoint Operations Management Agent, or remove the Endpoint Operations Management token and data before the cloning takes place. If the Agent is started before the cloning, a client token is created and all clones will be the same object in vRealize Operations.
In the following example, we will show how to install the Agent via vRealize Automation as part of the provisioning process. I will not go into too much detail on how to create blueprints in vRealize Automation, but I will give you the basic steps to create a software component that will install the agent and add it to a blueprint.
Perform the following steps to create a software component that will install the Endpoint Operations Management Agent and add it to a vRealize Automation Blueprint:
Name | Type | Value | Encrypted | Overridable | Required | Computed |
RPMNAME | String | The name of the Agent RPM package | No | Yes | No | No |
SERVERIP | String | The IP of the vRealize Operations server/cluster | No | Yes | No | No |
SERVERLOGIN | String | Username with enough permission in vRealize Operations | No | Yes | No | No |
SERVERPWORD | String | Password for the user | No | Yes | No | No |
SRVCRTTHUMB | String | The thumbprint of the vRealize Operations certificate | No | Yes | No | No |
SSLPORT | String | The port on which to communicate with vRealize Operations | No | Yes | No | No |
These values will be used to configure the Agent once it is installed. The following screenshot illustrates some example values:
Life Cycle Stage | Script Type | Script | Reboot |
Install | Bash | rpm -i http://<FQDNOfThe ServerWhere theRPMFileIsLocated>/$RPMNAME | No (unchecked) |
Configure | Bash | sed -i "s/#agent.setup.serverIP=localhost/agent.setup.serverIP=$SERVERIP/" /opt/vmware/epops-agent/conf/agent.properties
sed -i "s/#agent.setup.serverSSLPort=443/agent.setup.serverSSLPort=$SSLPORT/" /opt/vmware/epops-agent/conf/agent.properties sed -i "s/#agent.setup.serverLogin=username/agent.setup.serverLogin=$SERVERLOGIN/" /opt/vmware/epops-agent/conf/agent.properties sed -i "s/#agent.setup.serverPword=password/agent.setup.serverPword=$SERVERPWORD/" /opt/vmware/epops-agent/conf/agent.properties sed -i "s/#agent.setup.serverCertificateThumbprint=/agent.setup.serverCertificateThumbprint=$SRVCRTTHUMB/" /opt/vmware/epops-agent/conf/agent.properties |
No (unchecked) |
Start | Bash | /sbin/service epops-agent start
/sbin/chkconfig epops-agent on |
No (unchecked) |
The following screenshot illustrates some example values:
This completes the necessary steps to automate the Endpoint Operations Management Agent installation as a software component in vRealize Automation. With every deployment of the blueprint, after cloning, the Agent will be installed and uniquely identified to vRealize Operations.
When reinstalling the agent, various elements are affected, like:
The following locations contain agent-related data which remains when the agent is uninstalled:
Data continuity will not be affected when the data folder is deleted. This is not the case with the epops-token file. If you delete the token file, the agent will not be synchronized with the previously discovered objects upon a new installation.
Perform the following steps to reinstall the agent on a Linux machine:
$ rm -rf /opt/epops-agent/data
$ rm /etc/vmware/epops-token
$ yum remove <AgentFullName>
Perform the following steps to reinstall the Agent on a Windows machine:
cd C:epops-agentbin
C:epops-agentbin> ep-agent.bat stop
C:epops-agentbin> ep-agent.bat remove
C:epops-agent> rd /s data
C:epops-agent> del "C:ProgramDataVMwareEP Ops agentepops-token"
You've become familiar with the Endpoint Operations Management Agent and what it can do. We also discussed how to install and reinstall it on both Linux and Windows operating systems. To know more about vSphere and vRealize automation workload placement, check out our book Mastering vRealize Operations Manager - Second Edition.
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