It is fun to develop and experience virtual worlds at home. Eventually, though, you want the world to see your creation. To do that, we need to package and publish our app. In the course of development, upgrades to React may come along; before publishing, you will need to decide whether you need to "code freeze" and ship with a stable version, or upgrade to a new version. This is a design decision. In today’s tutorial, we will learn to upgrade React VR and bundle the code in order to publish on the web.
This article is an excerpt from a book written by John Gwinner titled Getting Started with React VR. This book will get you well-versed with Virtual Reality (VR) and React VR components to create your own VR apps.
One of the neat things, although it can be frustrating, is that web projects are frequently updated. There are a couple of different ways to do an upgrade:
It is up to you which method you use, but the major difference is that an upgrade in place is somewhat easier—no source code to modify and copy—but it may or may not work. A Facelift upgrade also relies on you using the correct react-vr-cli. There is a notice that runs whenever you run React VR from the Command Prompt that will tell you whether it's old:
To do an upgrade in place, you will typically get an update notification from Git if you have subscribed to the project. If you haven't, you should go to: http://bit.ly/ReactVR, create an account (if you don't have one already), and click on the eyeball icon to join the watch list. Then, you will get an email every time there is an upgrade. We will cover the most straightforward way to do an upgrade—upgrade in place, first.
How do you know what version of React you have installed? From a Node.js prompt, type this:
npm list react-vr
Also, check the version of react-vr-web:
npm list react-vr-web
Check the version of react-vr-cli (the command-line interface, really only for creating the hello world app).
npm list react-vr-cli
Check the version of ovrui (open VR's user interface):
npm list ovrui
You can check these against the versions on the documentation. If you've subscribed to React VR on GitHub (and you should!), then you will get an email telling you that there is an upgrade. Note that the CLI will also tell you if it is out of date, although this only applies when you are creating a new application (folder/website).
The release notes are at: http://bit.ly/VRReleases . There, you will find instructions to upgrade. The upgrade instructions usually have you do the following:
"react-devtools": "^2.5.2", "react-test-renderer": "16.0.0",
You may see this error:
module.js:529 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module './node_modules/react-native/packager/blacklist'
If you do, make the following changes in your projects root folder in the
rncli.config.js file.
Replace the var blacklist = require('./node_modules/react-native/packager/blacklist'); line with var blacklist = require('./node_modules/metro-bundler/src/blacklist');.
If you have been experimenting and adding modules with npm install <something>, you may find, after an upgrade, that things do not work. The package.json file also needs to know about all the additional packages you installed during experimentation. This is the project way (npm way) to ensure that Node.js knows we need a particular piece of software. If you have this issue, you'll need to either repeat the install with the—save parameter, or edit the dependencies section in your package.json file.
{ "name": "WalkInAMaze", "version": "0.0.1", "private": true, "scripts": { "start": "node -e "console.log('open browser at http://localhost:8081/vr/\n\n');" && node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start", "bundle": "node node_modules/react-vr/scripts/bundle.js", "open": "node -e "require('xopen')('http://localhost:8081/vr/')"", "devtools": "react-devtools", "test": "jest" }, "dependencies": { "ovrui": "~2.0.0", "react": "16.0.0", "react-native": "~0.48.0", "three": "^0.87.0", "react-vr": "~2.0.0", "react-vr-web": "~2.0.0", "mersenne-twister": "^1.1.0" }, "devDependencies": { "babel-jest": "^19.0.0", "babel-preset-react-native": "^1.9.1", "jest": "^19.0.2", "react-devtools": "^2.5.2", "react-test-renderer": "16.0.0", "xopen": "1.0.0" }, "jest": { "preset": "react-vr" } }
Again, this is the manual way; a better way is to use npm install <package> -save.
The -s qualifier saves the new package you've installed in package.json. The manual edits can be handy to ensure that you've got the right versions if you get a version mismatch.
If, however, after all that work, your upgrade still does not work, all is not lost. We can do a rip and replace upgrade. Note that this is sort of a "last resort", but it does work fairly well. Follow these steps:
[F:ReactVR]npm install react-vr-cli -g C:UsersJohnAppDataRoamingnpmreact-vr -> C:UsersJohnAppDataRoamingnpmnode_modulesreact-vr-cliindex.js + react-vr-cli@0.3.6 updated 8 packages in 2.83s
This is important, as when there is a new version of React, you may not have the most up-to-date react-vr-cli. It will tell you when you use it that there is a newer version out, but that line frequently scrolls by; if you get bored and don't note, you can spend a lot of time trying to install an updated version, to no avail.
An npm generates a lot of verbiage, but it is important to read what it says, especially red formatted lines.
Most code will move directly over. Ensure that you change the application name if you changed the directory name, but with the preceding directions, you won't have to.
The preceding list of upgrade steps may be slightly easier if there are massive changes to React VR; it will require some picking through source files. The source is pretty straightforward, so this should be easy in practice.
I found that these techniques will work best if the automatic upgrade did not work.
As mentioned earlier, the time to do a major upgrade probably is not right before publishing the app, unless there is some new feature you need. You want to adequately test your app to ensure that there aren't any bugs.
I'm including the upgrade steps here, though, but not because you should do it right before publishing.
Honestly, you should never put off organizing your clothes until, oh, wait, we're talking about code. You should never put off organizing your code until the night you want to ship it. Even the code you think is throw away may end up in production. Learn good coding habits and style from the beginning.
Good code, from the very start, is very important for many reasons:
//count from 99 to 1 for (i=99; i>0; i--) ...
//we are counting bottles of beer for (i=99; i>0; i--) ...
When you wash clothes, the lint builds up and will eventually clog your washing machine or dryer, or cause a fire. In the PC world, old code, poorly typed names, and all can also build up.
Refactoring is one way to clean up the code. I highly recommend that you use some form of version control, such as Git or bitbucket to check your code; while refactoring, it's quite possible to totally mess up your code and if you don't use version control, you may lose a lot of work.
A great way to do a code review of your work, before you publish, is to use a linter. Linters go through your code and point out problems (crud), improper syntax, things that may work differently than you intend, and generally try to pick up your room after you, like your mom does. While you might not like it if your mom does that, these tools are invaluable. Computers are, after all, very picky and why not use the machines against each other?
One of the most common ways to let software check your software for JavaScript is a program called ESLint. You can read about it at: http://bit.ly/JSLinter. To install ESLint, you can do it via npm like most packages—npm install eslint --save-dev.
The --save-dev option puts a requirement in your project while you are developing. Once you've published your app, you won't need to pack the ESLint information with your project!
There are a number of other things you need to get ESLint to work properly; read the configuration pages and go through the tutorials. A lot depends on what IDE you use. You can use ESLint with Visual Studio, for example.
Once you've installed ESLint, you need to configure a local configuration file. Do this with
eslint --init.
The --init command will display a prompt that will ask you how to configure the rules it will follow. It will ask a series of questions, and ask what style to use. AirBNB is fairly common, although you can use others; there's no wrong choice. If you are working for a company, they may already have standards, so check with management. One of the prompts will ask if you need React.
Coding style can be nearly religious, but in the JavaScript and React world, some standards are very common. AirBNB has one good, fairly well–regarded style guide at: http://bit.ly/JStyle.
For React VR, some style options to consider are as follows:
import MyClass from './MyClass'.
In general, I highly recommend that you pour over these coding styles and use a linter when you write your code:
For your published website/application to really work reliably, we also need to update package.json; this is sort of the "project" way to ensure that Node.js knows we need a particular piece of software. We will edit the "dependencies" section to add the last line,(bold emphasis mine, bold won't show up in a text editor, obviously!):
{ "name": "WalkInAMaze", "version": "0.0.1", "private": true, "scripts": { "start": "node -e "console.log('open browser at http://localhost:8081/vr/\n\n');" && node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start", "bundle": "node node_modules/react-vr/scripts/bundle.js", "open": "node -e "require('xopen')('http://localhost:8081/vr/')"", "devtools": "react-devtools", "test": "jest" }, "dependencies": { "ovrui": "~2.0.0", "react": "16.0.0", "react-native": "~0.48.0", "three": "^0.87.0", "react-vr": "~2.0.0", "react-vr-web": "~2.0.0", "mersenne-twister": "^1.1.0" }, "devDependencies": { "babel-jest": "^19.0.0", "babel-preset-react-native": "^1.9.1", "jest": "^19.0.2", "react-devtools": "^2.5.2", "react-test-renderer": "16.0.0", "xopen": "1.0.0" }, "jest": { "preset": "react-vr" } }
This is the manual way; a better way is to use npm install <package> -s.
The -s qualifier saves the new package you've installed in package.json. The manual edits can be handy to ensure that you've got the right versions, if you get a version mismatch.
Assuming that you have your project dependencies set up correctly to get your project to run from a web server, typically through an ISP or service provider, you need to "bundle" it. React VR has a script that will package up everything into just a few files.
Note, of course, that your desktop machine counts as a "web server", although I wouldn't recommend that you expose your development machine to the web. The better way to have other people experience your new Virtual Reality is to bundle it and put it on a commercial web service.
The basic process is easy with the React VR provided script:
<html> <head> <title>WalkInAMaze</title> <style>body { margin: 0; }</style> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no"> </head> <body> <!-- When you're ready to deploy your app, update this line to point to your compiled client.bundle.js --> <script src="./client.bundle?platform=vr"></script> <script> // Initialize the React VR application ReactVR.init( // When you're ready to deploy your app, update this line to point to // your compiled index.bundle.js './index.vr.bundle?platform=vr&dev=false', // Attach it to the body tag document.body ); </script> </body> </html>
Note for a production release, which means if you're pointing to a prebuilt bundle on a static web server and not the React Native bundler, the dev and platform flags actually won't do anything, so there's no difference between dev=true, dev=false, or even dev=foobar.
If you used any assets from anywhere on the web, ensure that you have the proper release. For example, many Daz3D or Poser models do not include the rights to publish the geometry information; including these on your website as an OBJ or glTF file may be a violation of that agreement. Someone could easily download the model, or nearly all the geometry fairly easily, and then use it for something else.
I am not a lawyer; you should check with wherever you get your models to ensure that you have permission, and if necessary, attribute properly.
Attribution licenses are a little difficult with a VR world, unless you embed the attribution into a graphic somewhere; as we've seen, adding text can sometimes be distracting, and you will always have scale issues. If you embed a VR world in a page with <iframe>, you can always give proper attribution on the HTML side. However, this isn't really VR.
Some of the images you use, especially the ones in a <pano> statement, can be quite large. You may need to optimize these for proper web speed and responsiveness.
This is a fairly general topic, but one thing that can help is a content delivery network (CDN), especially if your world will be a high-volume one.
Adding a CDN to your web server is easy. You host your asset files from a separate location, and you pass the root directory as the assetRoot at the ReactVR.init() call. For example, if your files were hosted at https://cdn.example.com/vr_assets/, you would change the method call in index.html to include the following third argument:
ReactVR.init( './index.bundle.js?platform=vr&dev=false', document.body, { assetRoot: 'https://cdn.example.com/vr_assets/' } );
If you were watching the web console, you may have noted this model being loaded over and over. It is not necessarily the most efficient way. Consider other techniques such as passing a model for the various child components as a prop.
Polygon decimation is another technique that is very valuable in optimizing models for the web and VR. With the glTF file format, you can use "normal maps" and still make a low polygon model look like a high-resolution one. Techniques to do this are well documented in the game development field. These techniques really do work well.
You should also optimize models to not display unseen geometry. If you are showing a car model with blacked out windows, for example, there is no need to have engine detail and interior details loaded (unless the windows are transparent). This sounds obvious, although I found the lamp that I used to illustrate the lighting examples had almost tripled the number of polygons than was needed; the glass lamp shade had inner and outer polygons that were inside the model.
We learned to do version upgrades, and if need be, how to do rip and replace upgrades. We further discussed when to do an upgrade and how to publish it on the web.
If you are interested to know about how to include existing high-performance web code into a VR app, you may refer to the book Getting Started with React VR.