nmap -sV --script=banner <target>
For a specific vendor, there are a lot of enumeration tools you can use; EnumIAX is one of them. It is a built-in enumeration tool in Kali Linux to brute force Inter-Asterisk Exchange protocol usernames:
Automated Corporate Enumerator (ACE) is another built-in enumeration tool in Kali Linux:
svmap is an open source built-in tool in Kali Linux for identifying SIP devices. Type svmap -h and you will get all the available options for this amazing tool:
By now, you have learned the required skills to perform VoIP footprinting, scanning, and enumeration. Let's discover the major VoIP attacks. VoIP is facing multiple threats from different attack vectors.
Denial-of-Service (DoS) is a threat to the availability of a network. DoS could be dangerous too for VoIP, as ensuring the availability of calls is vital in modern organizations. Not only the availability but also the clearness of calls is a necessity nowadays. To monitor the QoS of VoIP, you can use many tools that are out there; one of them is CiscoWorks QoS Policy Manager 4.1:
To measure the quality of VoIP, there are some scoring systems, such as the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) or the R-value based on several parameters (jitter, latency, and packet loss). Scores of the mean opinion score range from 1 to 5 (bad to very clear) and scores of R-value range from 1 to 100 (bad to very clear). The following screenshot is taken from an analysis of an RTP packet downloaded from the Wireshark website:
You can also analyze the RTP jitter graph:
VoIP infrastructure can be attacked by the classic DoS attacks. We saw some of them previously:
One of the DoS attack tools is iaxflood. It is available in Kali Linux to perform DoS attacks. IAX stands for Inter-Asterisk Exchange.
Open a Kali terminal and type iaxflood <Source IP> <Destination IP> <Number of packets>:
The VoIP infrastructure can not only be attacked by the previous attacks attackers can perform packet Fragmentation and Malformed Packets to attack the infrastructure, using fuzzing tools.
Eavesdropping is one of the most serious VoIP attacks. It lets attackers take over your privacy, including your calls. There are many eavesdropping techniques; for example, an attacker can sniff the network for TFTP configuration files while they contain a password. The following screenshot describes an analysis of a TFTP capture:
Also, an attacker can harvest phone numbers and build a valid phone numbers databases, after recording all the outgoing and ongoing calls. Eavesdropping does not stop there, attackers can record your calls and even know what you are typing using the Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF). You can use the DTMF decoder/encoder from this link http://www.polar-electric.com/DTMF/:
Voice Over Misconfigured Internet Telephones (VOMIT) is a great utility to convert Cisco IP Phone conversations into WAV files. You can download it from its official website http://vomit.xtdnet.nl/:
Another attacking technique is SIP rogues. We can perform two types of SIP rogues. From an attacker's perspective, we can implement the following:
SIP registration hijacking is a serious VoIP security problem. Previously, we saw that before establishing a SIP session, there is a registration step. Registration can be hijacked by attackers. During a SIP registration hijacking attack, the attacker disables a normal user by a Denial of Service, for example, and simply sends a registration request with his own IP address instead of that users because, in SIP, messages are transferred clearly, so SIP does not ensure the integrity of signalling messages:
If you are a Metasploit enthusiast, you can try many other SIP modules. Open a Metasploit console by typing msfconsole and search SIP modules using search SIP:
To use a specific SIP module, simply type use <module >. The following interface is an example of SIP module usage:
Spam over Internet Telephony (SPIT), sometimes called Voice spam, is like email spam, but it affects VoIP. To perform a SPIT attack, you can use a generation tool called spitter.
Malware is a major threat to VoIP infrastructure. Your insecure VoIP endpoints can be exploited by different types of malware, such as Worms and VoIP Botnets.
Softphones are also a highly probable target for attackers. Compromising your softphone could be very dangerous because if an attacker exploits it, they can compromise your VoIP network. Malware is not the only threat against VoIP endpoints. VoIP firmware is a potential attack vector for hackers. Firmware hacking can lead to phones being compromised.
Viproy VoIP penetration testing kit (v4) is a VoIP and unified communications services pentesting tool presented at Black Hat Arsenal USA 2014 by Fatih Ozavci:
To download this project, clone it from its official repository, https://github.com/fozavci/viproy-voipkit:
# git clone https://github.com/fozavci/viproy-voipkit.
The following project contains many modules to test SIP and Skinny protocols:
To use them, copy the lib, modules, and data folders to a Metasploit folder in your system.
Thus, in this article, we demonstrated how to exploit the VoIP infrastructure. We explored the major VoIP attacks and how to defend against them, in addition to the tools and utilities most commonly used by penetration testers.
If you've enjoyed reading this, do check out Advanced Infrastructure Penetration Testing to discover post-exploitation tips, tools, and methodologies to help your organization build an intelligent security system.
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