In this article by Steven Lott, the author of the book Modern Python Cookbook, we will see how to use a class to encapsulate data plus processing.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
The point of computing is to process data. Even when building something like an interactive game, the game state and the player's actions are the data, the processing computes the next game state and the display update. The data plus processing is ubiquitous.
Some games can have a relatively complex internal state. When we think of console games with multiple players and complex graphics, there are complex, real-time state changes.
On the other hand, when we think of a very simple casino game like Craps, the game state is very simple. There may be no point established, or one of the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 may be the established point. The transitions are relatively simple, and are often denoted by moving markers and chips around on the casino table. The data includes the current state, player actions, and rolls of the dice. The processing is the rules of the game.
A game like Blackjack has a somewhat more complex internal state change as each card is accepted. In games where the hands can be split, the state of play can become quite complex. The data includes the current game state, the player's commands, and the cards drawn from the deck. Processing is defined by the rules of the game as modified by any house rules.
In the case of Craps, the player may place bets. Interestingly, the player's input, has no effect on the game state. The internal state of the game object is determined entirely by the next throw of the dice. This leads to a class design that's relatively easy to visualize.
The essential idea of computing is to process data. This is exemplified when we write functions that process data.
Often, we'd like to have a number of closely related functions that work with a common data structure. This concept is the heart of object-oriented programming. A class definition will contain a number of methods that will control the internal state of an object.
The unifying concept behind a class definition is often captured as a summary of the responsibilities allocated to the class. How can we do this effectively? What's a good way to design a class?
Let's look at a simple, stateful object—a pair of dice. The context for this would be an application which simulates the casino game of Craps. The goal is to use simulation of results to help invent a better playing strategy. This will save us from losing real money while we try to beat the house edge.
There's an important distinction between the class definition and an instance of the class, called an object. We call this idea – as a whole – Object-Oriented Programming. Our focus is on writing class definitions. Our overall application will create instances of the classes. The behavior that emerges from the collaboration of the instances is the overall goal of the design process.
Most of the design effort is on class definitions. Because of this, the name object-oriented programming can be misleading.
The idea of emergent behavior is an essential ingredient in object-oriented programming. We don't specify every behavior of a program. Instead, we decompose the program into objects, define the object's state and behavior via the object's classes. The programming decomposes into class definitions based on their responsibilities and collaborations.
An object should be viewed as a thing—a noun. The behavior of the class should be viewed as verbs. This gives us a hint as to how we can proceed with design classes that work effectively.
Object-oriented design is often easiest to understand when it relates to tangible real-world things. It's often easier to write a software to simulate a playing card than to create a software that implements an Abstract Data Type (ADT).
For this example, we'll simulate the rolling of die. For some games – like the casino game of Craps – two dice are used. We'll define a class which models the pair of dice. To be sure that the example is tangible, we'll model the pair of dice in the context of simulating a casino game.
class Dice:
def __init__(self):
self.faces = None
We'll model the internal state of the dice with the self.faces attribute. The self variable is required to be sure that we're referencing an attribute of a given instance of a class. The object is identified by the value of the instance variable, self
We could put some other properties here as well. The alternative is to implement the properties as separate methods. These details of the design decision is the subject for using properties for lazy attributes.
def roll(self):
self.faces = (random.randint(1,6), random.randint(1,6))
We've updated the internal state of the dice by setting the self.faces attribute. Again, the self variable is essential for identifying the object to be updated.
Note that this method mutates the internal state of the object. We've elected to not return a value. This makes our approach somewhat like the approach of Python's built-in collection classes. Any method which mutates the object does not return a value.
def total(self):
return sum(self.faces)
These two methods help answer the hard way and easy way questions.
def hardway(self):
return self.faces[0] == self.faces[1]
def easyway(self):
return self.faces[0] != self.faces[1]
It's rare in a casino game to have a rule that has a simple logical inverse. It's more common to have a rare third alternative that has a remarkably bad payoff rule.
In this case, we could have defined easy way as return not self.hardway().
Here's an example of using the class. First, we'll seed the random number generator with a fixed value, so that we can get a fixed sequence of results. This is a way to create a unit test for this class.
>>> import random
>>> random.seed(1)
We'll create a Dice object, d1. We can then set its state with the roll() method. We'll then look at the total() method to see what was rolled. We'll examine the state by looking at the faces attribute.
>>> from ch06_r01 import Dice
>>> d1 = Dice()
>>> d1.roll()
>>> d1.total()
>>> d1.faces
(2, 5)
We'll create a second Dice object, d2. We can then set its state with the roll() method. We'll look at the result of the total() method, as well as the hardway() method. We'll examine the state by looking at the faces attribute.
>>> d2 = Dice()
>>> d2.roll()
>>> d2.total()
>>> d2.hardway()
>>> d2.faces
(1, 3)
Since the two objects are independent instances of the Dice class, a change to d2 has no effect on d1.
>>> d1.total()
The core idea here is to use ordinary rules of grammar – nouns, verbs, and adjectives – as a way to identify basic features of a class. Noun represents things. A good descriptive sentence should focus on tangible, real-world things more than ideas or abstractions.
In our example, dice are real things. We try to avoid using abstract terms like randomizers or event generators. It's easier to describe the tangible features of real things, and then locate an abstract implementation that offers some of the tangible features.
The idea of rolling the dice is an example of physical action that we can model with a method definition. Clearly, this action changes the state of the object. In rare cases – one time in 36 – the next state will happen to match the previous state.
Adjectives often hold the potential for confusion. There are several cases such as:
In Python, the attributes of an object are – by default – dynamic. We don't specific a fixed list of attributes. We can initialize some (or all) of the attributes in the __init__() method of a class definition. Since attributes aren't static, we have considerable flexibility in our design.
Capturing the essential internal state, and methods that cause state change is the first step in good class design. We can summarize some helpful design principles using the acronym SOLID.
The goal is to create classes that have the proper behavior and also adhere to the design principles.
Further resources on this subject: