Now that we understand the mechanism behind the window.checkoutConfig object, let's put it to use by creating a small module that adds order notes functionality to the checkout. Our work is to be done as part of the Magelicious_OrderNotes module, with the final visual outcome, as follows:

The idea behind the module is to provide a customer with an option of putting a note against their order. On top of that, we also provide a standard range of possible notes to choose from.
Assuming we have defined registration.php, composer.json, and etc/module.xml as basic module files, we can deal with the more specific details of our Magelicious_OrderNotes module.
We start by defining the <MODULE_DIR>/Setup/InstallSchema.php with content, as follows:
namespace Magelicious\OrderNotes\Setup;
class InstallSchema implements \Magento\Framework\Setup...