Chapter projects
Evaluating a number game
Ask the user to enter a number and check whether it's greater than, equal to, or less than a dynamic number value in your code. Output the result to the user.
Friend checker game
Ask the user to enter a name, using the switch statement to return a confirmation that the user is a friend if the name selected is known in the case statements. You can add a default response that you don't know the person if it's an unknown name. Output the result into the console.
Rock Paper Scissors game
This is a game between a player and the computer, where both will make a random selection of either Rock, Paper, or Scissors (alternatively, you could create a version using real player input!). Rock will beat out Scissors, Paper will beat out Rock, and Scissors will beat out Paper. You can use JavaScript to create your own version of this game, applying the logic with an if statement. Since this project is a little more difficult...