Further reading
Here are a few links to help you build on what we learned in this chapter:
- Dapper is a simple yet powerful ORM for .NET, made by the people of Stack Overflow. If you like writing SQL, but don’t like mapping data to objects, this ORM might be for you: https://adpg.link/pTYs.
- An article that I wrote in 2017 about the Repository pattern; that is, Design Patterns: ASP.NET Core Web API, services, and repositories | Part 5: Repositories, the ClanRepository, and integration testing : https://adpg.link/D53Z.
- Entity Framework Core – Using Transactions: https://adpg.link/gxwD.
Here are resources about Clean Architecture:
- Common web application architectures (Microsoft Learn): https://adpg.link/Pnpn
- Microsoft eShopOnWeb ASP.NET Core Reference Application: https://adpg.link/dsw1
- GitHub—Clean Architecture by Ardalis/Steve Smith—Solution templates: https://adpg.link/tpPi
- GitHub—Clean...