Chapter #21. Make "Getting Started" Tips Easily Dismissable
A blank slate (refer to #20, Make "Blank Slates" More Than Just Empty Views) won't show once the user adds some content or performs an initial task, which is ideal.
Too often apps force users to view their "getting started" guide or "tips for beginners" They are often good for new users, but if you're coming back to an app you've used before then they're incredibly frustrating.
An extra level of rage is induced when an app update "reset" these tips and existing users are forced to sit through the tutorial all over again just to use the app. Make tips optional and dismissable. You'll get bonus points for letting users exit the entire "onboarding wizard" with one tap:

Tell users what you're about to tell them before you tell them
However, beware of overdoing these tips: if you've followed conventions (and basically, the rest of this book), there shouldn't be a need to explain every little detail of your app's UI.
If you have designed and...