Chapter #80. Add a "Create from Existing" Flow
An often overlooked flow in many CRUD (stands for create, read, update, and delete. It refers to the standard set of actions that a user may want to perform on a set of database records. This can be users, customers, products, orders or just about anything else—(CRUD apps) (,_read,_update_and_delete)) apps is the "create from existing" flow. When given a list of items that they have meticulously created, this simple flow is a massive time saver and productivity boost for the user.
Selecting "create from existing," or "duplicate and edit," or even "duplicate," should make the product behave something like this:
The user clicks "duplicate and edit"
The system copies the item, giving it a new ID
The user is presented with the edit view, but with a new name (perhaps with "copy" appended to the original title)
The fields are pre-filled with the data from the original item
The user can change as much or as little as they...