Let’s look at some of the key capabilities included in Docker EE 2.0 release.
Flexibility is one of the biggest assets of Docker Enterprise Edition as today’s software delivery ecosystem demands freedom of choice. Organizations that are building applications on different platforms, using varied set of tools, deploying on different infrastructures and running them on different set of platforms require a huge amount of flexibility. Docker EE has addressed this concern with the following capabilities:
Many organizations have adopted a Hybrid cloud or Multi-cloud strategy, and build applications on different operating systems. Docker EE is registered across all the popular set of operating systems such as Windows, all the popular Linux distributions, Windows Server, and also on popular public clouds, enabling the users to deploy applications flexibly, wherever required.
Container orchestration forms the core of DevOps and the entire ecosystem of containers revolve around Swarm or Kubernetes. Docker EE allows flexibility is switching between both these tools for application deployment and orchestration. Applications deployed on Swarm today, can be easily migrated to Kubernetes using the same compose file, making the life of developers simpler.
Docker EE focuses on monitoring and managing containers to much greater extent than the open source version of Docker. The Enterprise Edition has specialized management and monitoring platform for looking after Kubernetes cluster and also has access to Kubernetes API, CLI and interfaces.
There were few more enhancements related to the supply chain and security domains. For the complete set of improvements to Docker, check out the official Docker EE documentation.