The SAM specification and implementation are open sourced under the Apache 2.0 license for AWS partners and customers to adopt and extend within their own toolsets. The current version of the SAM specification is available at AWS SAM 2016-10-31.
Step 1: Create a SAM template, a JSON or YAML configuration file that describes Lambda functions, API endpoints and the other resources in your application.
Step 2: Test, upload, and deploy the application using the SAM Local CLI. During deployment, SAM automatically translates the application’s specification into CloudFormation syntax, filling in default values for any unspecified properties and determining the appropriate mappings and invocation permissions to set-up for any Lambda functions.
To learn more about how to define and deploy serverless applications, read the How-To Guide and see examples.
One can build serverless applications faster and further simplify one’s development of serverless applications by defining new event sources, new resource types, and new parameters within SAM. One can also modify SAM in order to integrate it with other frameworks and deployment providers from the community for building serverless applications.
For more in-depth knowledge, read AWS SAM development guide on GitHub