There has been continuous transformation since the last few years to bring .NET to platforms other than Windows. .NET Core 3.0 released in September 2019 with primary focus on adding Windows specific features.
.NET Core 3.0 supports side-by-side and app-local deployments, a fast JSON reader, serial port access and other PIN access for Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, and tiered compilation on by default. In this article we will explore the .Net Core components of its new 3.0 release.
This article is an excerpt from the book C# 8.0 and .NET Core 3.0 - Modern Cross-Platform Development - Fourth Edition written by Mark J. Price. Mark follows a step-by-step approach in the book filled with exciting projects and fascinating theory for the readers in this highly acclaimed franchise.
These are pieces that play an important role in the development of the .NET Core:
An assembly is where a type is stored in the filesystem. Assemblies are a mechanism for deploying code. For example, the System.Data.dll assembly contains types for managing data. To use types in other assemblies, they must be referenced.
Assemblies are often distributed as NuGet packages, which can contain multiple assemblies and other resources. You will also hear about metapackages and platforms, which are combinations of NuGet packages.
A namespace is the address of a type. Namespaces are a mechanism to uniquely identify a type by requiring a full address rather than just a short name. In the real world, Bob of 34 Sycamore Street is different from Bob of 12 Willow Drive.
In .NET, the IActionFilter interface of the System.Web.Mvc namespace is different from the IActionFilter interface of the System.Web.Http.Filters namespace.
If an assembly is compiled as a class library and provides types for other assemblies to use, then it has the file extension .dll (dynamic link library), and it cannot be executed standalone.
Likewise, if an assembly is compiled as an application, then it has the file extension .exe (executable) and can be executed standalone. Before .NET Core 3.0, console apps were compiled to .dll files and had to be executed by the dotnet run command or a host executable.
Any assembly can reference one or more class library assemblies as dependencies, but you cannot have circular references. So, assembly B cannot reference assembly A, if assembly A already references assembly B. The compiler will warn you if you attempt to add a dependency reference that would cause a circular reference.
By default, console applications have a dependency reference on the Microsoft .NET Core App platform. This platform contains thousands of types in NuGet packages that almost all applications would need, such as the int and string types.
When using .NET Core, you reference the dependency assemblies, NuGet packages, and platforms that your application needs in a project file.
Let's explore the relationship between assemblies and namespaces.
Check out this code on GitHub.
Although it is possible to include the assemblies that your application uses with its deployment package, by default the project will probe for shared assemblies installed in well-known paths.
First, it will look for the specified version of .NET Core in the current user's .dotnet/store and .nuget folders, and then it looks in a fallback folder that depends on your OS, as shown in the following root paths:
Most common .NET Core types are in the System.Runtime.dll assembly. You can see the relationship between some assemblies and the namespaces that they supply types for, and note that there is not always a one-to-one mapping between assemblies and namespaces, as shown in the following table:
Example namespaces
Example types
System, System.Collections, System.Collections.Generic
Int32, String, IEnumerable<T>
Interlocked, Monitor, Mutex
XDocument, XElement, XNode
.NET Core is split into a set of packages, distributed using a Microsoft-supported package management technology named NuGet. Each of these packages represents a single assembly of the same name. For example, the System.Collections package contains the System.Collections.dll assembly.
The following are the benefits of packages:
The following table lists some of the more important packages and their important types:
Important types
Object, String, Int32, Array
List<T>, Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
HttpClient, HttpResponseMessage
File, Directory
Assembly, TypeInfo, MethodInfo
There is a two-way relationship between frameworks and packages. Packages define the APIs, while frameworks group packages. A framework without any packages would not define any APIs.
.NET packages each support a set of frameworks. For example, the System.IO.FileSystem package version 4.3.0 supports the following frameworks:
When you install .NET Core SDK, it includes the command-line interface (CLI) named dotnet.
The dotnet command-line interface has commands that work on the current folder to create a new project using templates.
The dotnet CLI has the following commands that work on the project in the current folder, to manage the project:
To summarize, we explored the .NET Core components of the new 3.0 release. If you want to learn the fundamentals, build practical applications, and explore latest features of C# 8.0 and .NET Core 3.0, check out our latest book C# 8.0 and .NET Core 3.0 - Modern Cross-Platform Development - Fourth Edition written by Mark J. Price.
.NET Framework API Porting Project concludes with .NET Core 3.0
.NET Core 3.0 is now available with C# 8, F# 4.7, ASP.NET Core 3.0 and general availability of EF Core 3.0 and EF 6.3
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