Today, maintaining data integrity and network security is a primary challenge for businesses everywhere. The scale of the threats they face is enormous. Those that succeed go unheralded. Those that fail end up in the headlines.
Despite the risks, a shocking number of security decision-makers seem confident that their companies have no vulnerabilities to exploit. According to a recent research report by Forrester, more than 85% of those decision-makers believe that they've left no gaps in their organization's security posture. A cursory look at the available data, however, should be enough to indicate that some of them are going to be proven wrong – and that they're at a much greater risk than they realize or are willing to admit.
The threat landscape is stark. There have already been at least 3,800 data breaches in 2019 alone, which is a huge increase over prior years. The environment is so dangerous that Microsoft and Mastercard are spearheading an effort alongside other tech firms to create a joint-cyberdefense organization to help targeted firms fend off determined attackers. None of that squares with the high confidence that businesses now seem to have in their security.
It is clear that there is quite a bit of distance between how digital security experts judge the preparedness of businesses to defend themselves and how the business decision makers view their own efforts. The best way to remedy that is for businesses to double-check their security posture to make sure they are in the best possible position to fend off cyberattacks. To help, here's a rundown of the most common security vulnerabilities that tend to exist in business organizations, to use as a checklist for shoring up defenses.
Although it's often overlooked, the physical security of a company's data and digital assets is essential. That's why penetration testing firms will often include on-site security breach attempts as part of their assessments (sometimes with unfortunate results). It's also why businesses should create and enforce strict on-site security policies and control who possesses what equipment and where they may take it. In addition, any devices that contain protected data should make use of strong storage encryption and have enforced password requirements – ideally using physical keys to further mitigate risk.
One of the biggest threats to security that businesses now face isn't external – it's from their own employees. Research by Verizon paints a disturbing picture of the kinds of insider threats that are at the root of many cybersecurity incidents. Many of them trace back to unauthorized or improper systems access, or poor access controls that allow employees to see more data than they need to do their jobs. Worse still, there's no way to completely eliminate the problem. An employee with the right know-how can be a threat even when their access is properly restricted. That's why every organization must also practice routine monitoring of data access and credential audits to look for patterns that could indicate a problem.
The speed with which threats in the digital space are evolving has caused businesses everywhere to rush to hire cybersecurity experts to help them defend themselves. The problem is that there are simply not enough of them to go around. According to the industry group (ISC)2, there are currently 2.93 million open cybersecurity positions around the world, and the number keeps on growing. To overcome the shortage, businesses would do well to augment their security personnel recruiting by training existing IT staff in cybersecurity. They can subsidize things like online CompTIA courses for IT staff so they can upskill to meet emerging threats. When it comes to cybersecurity, a business can't have too many experts – so they'd best get started making some new ones.
Intentional acts by disgruntled or otherwise malicious employees aren't the only kind of insider threat that businesses face. In reality, many of the breaches traced to insiders happen by accident. Employees might fall prey to social engineering attacks and spear phishing emails or calls, and turn over information to unauthorized parties without ever knowing they've done anything wrong. If you think about it, a company's workforce is it's largest attack surface, so it's critical to take steps to help them be as security-minded as possible. Despite this reality, a recent survey found that only 31% of employees receive annual security training. This statistic should dent the confidence of the aforementioned security decision-makers, and cause them to reevaluate their employee security training efforts post-haste.
It should come as no surprise that the sharp rise in data breaches has coincided with the headlong rush of businesses into the cloud. One need to only look at the enormous number of data thefts that have happened in broad daylight via misconfigured Amazon AWS storage buckets to understand how big an issue this is. The notoriety notwithstanding, these kinds of security lapses continue to happen with alarming frequency. At their roots is a general lack of security procedures surrounding employee use of cloud data storage. As a general rule, businesses should have a process in place to have qualified IT staff configure offsite data storage and restrict settings access only to those who need it. In addition, all cloud storage should be tested often to make sure no vulnerabilities exist and that no unauthorized access is possible.
In the military, there's a common admonition against "fighting yesterday's war". In practice, this means relying on strategies that have worked in the past but that might not be appropriate in the current environment. The same logic applies to cybersecurity, not that many businesses seem to know it. For example, an all-machine hacking contest sponsored by DARPA in 2016 proved that AI and ML-based attacks are not only possible – but inevitable. Conversely, AI and ML will need to be put to use by businesses seeking to defend themselves from such threats.
Still, a recent survey found that just 26% of business security policymakers had plans to invest in AI and ML cybersecurity technologies in the next two years. By the time many come around to the need for doing so, it's likely that their organizations will already be under attack by better-equipped opponents. To make sure they remain safe from such future-oriented threats, businesses should re-evaluate their plans to invest in AI and ML network and data security technology in the near term, so they'll have the right infrastructure in place once those kinds of attacks become common.
At this point, it should be very clear that there are quite a few vulnerabilities that the average business must attend to if they hope to remain secure from both current and emerging cyber threats. The various surveys and data referenced here should also be more than enough proof that the confidence many decision-makers have in their current strategies is foolhardy at best – and pure hubris at worst.
More importantly, all signs point to the situation getting far worse before it gets better. Every major study on cybersecurity indicates that the pace, scale, and scope of attacks is growing by the day. In the coming years, the rapid expansion of new technologies like the IoT and the hyper-connectivity driven by 5G cellular data networks is going to amplify the current risks to an almost unimaginable level. That means businesses whose security is lacking now don't have much time left to get up to speed.
The bottom line here is that when it comes to cybersecurity, nothing is more expensive than regret. It's a dangerous thing for business leaders to be too overconfident in their preparations or to underestimate the size of the security challenges they face. It's a situation where there's no such thing as being too prepared, and they should never be satisfied with the status quo in their efforts to stay protected. Would-be attackers and data thieves will never rest on their laurels – and neither should businesses.
Andrej Kovačević is a cybersecurity editor at TechLoot, and a contributing writer for a variety of other technology-focused online publications. He has covered the intersection of marketing and technology for several years and is pursuing an ongoing mission to share his expertise with business leaders and marketing professionals everywhere. You can also find him on Twitter.
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