In this article by Belén Cruz Zapata and Antonio Hernández Niñirola, authors of the book Testing and Securing Android Studio Applications, you will learn how to use unit tests that allow developers to quickly verify the state and behavior of an activity on its own.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
There are two possible modes of testing activities:
In this article, we will explore the Android testing API to learn about the classes and methods that will help you test the activities of your application.
The Android testing API is based on JUnit. Android JUnit extensions are included in the android.test package. The following figure presents the main classes that are involved when testing activities:
Let's learn more about these classes:
public class MainActivityTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<MainActivity>
public class MainActivityUnitTest extends ActivityUnitTestCase<MainActivity>
There is a new term that has emerged from the previous classes called Instrumentation.
The execution of an application is ruled by the life cycle, which is determined by the Android system. For example, the life cycle of an activity is controlled by the invocation of some methods: onCreate(), onResume(), onDestroy(), and so on. These methods are called by the Android system and your code cannot invoke them, except while testing. The mechanism to allow your test code to invoke callback methods is known as Android instrumentation.
Android instrumentation is a set of methods to control a component independent of its normal lifecycle. To invoke the callback methods from your test code, you have to use the classes that are instrumented. For example, to start the activity under test, you can use the getActivity() method that returns the activity instance. For each test method invocation, the activity will not be created until the first time this method is called. Instrumentation is necessary to test activities considering the lifecycle of an activity is based on the callback methods. These callback methods include the UI events as well.
From an instrumented test case, you can use the getInstrumentation() method to get access to an Instrumentation object. This class provides methods related to the system interaction with the application. The complete documentation about this class can be found at: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Instrumentation.html. Some of the most important methods are as follows:
ActivityMonitor addMonitor (IntentFilter filter, ActivityResult result, boolean block). ActivityMonitor addMonitor (String cls, ActivityResult result, boolean block).
The following line is an example line code to add a monitor:
Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor monitor = getInstrumentation().addMonitor(SecondActivity.class.getName(), null, false);
JUnit's TestCase class provides the following protected methods that can be overridden by the subclasses:
@Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); // Initialize the fixture state }
@Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { // Tear down the fixture state super.tearDown(); }
The fixture state is usually implemented as a group of member variables but it can also consist of database or network connections. If you open or init connections in the setUp method, they should be closed or released in the tearDown method. When testing activities in Android, you have to initialize the activity under test in the setUp method. This can be done with the getActivity() method.
JUnit's TestCase class extends the Assert class, which provides a set of assert methods to check for certain conditions. When an assert method fails, AssertionFailedException is thrown. The test runner will handle the multiple assertion exceptions to present the testing results. Optionally, you can specify the error message that will be shown if the assert fails. You can read the Android reference of the TestCase class to examine all the available methods at http://developer.android.com/reference/junit/framework/Assert.html. The assertion methods provided by the Assert superclass are as follows:
assertEquals(true, false);
try{ dontAcceptNullValuesMethod(null); fail("No exception was thrown"); } catch (NullPointerExceptionn e) { // OK }
The Android testing API, which extends JUnit, provides additional and more powerful assertion classes: ViewAsserts and MoreAsserts.
The assertion methods offered by JUnit's Assert class are not enough if you want to test some special Android objects such as the ones related to the UI. The ViewAsserts class implements more sophisticated methods related to the Android views, that is, for the View objects. The whole list with all the assertion methods can be explored in the Android reference about this class at http://developer.android.com/reference/android/test/ViewAsserts.html. Some of them are described as follows:
The Android API extends some of the basic assertion methods from the Assert class to present some additional methods. Some of the methods included in the MoreAsserts class are:
Opposite methods such as assertNotContainsRegex, assertNotEmpty, assertNotEquals, and assertNotMatchesRegex are included as well. All these methods are overloaded to optionally include a custom error message. The Android reference about the MoreAsserts class can be inspected to learn more about these assert methods at http://developer.android.com/reference/android/test/MoreAsserts.html.
The test code is executed in two different threads as the application under test, although, both the threads run in the same process. When testing the UI of an application, UI objects can be referenced from the test code, but you cannot change their properties or send events. There are two strategies to invoke methods that should run in the UI thread:
public void testComponent() { mActivity.runOnUiThread( new Runnable() { public void run() { mComponent.requestFocus(); } } ); … }
@UiThreadTest public void testComponent () { mComponent.requestFocus(); … }
There is also a helper class that provides methods to perform touch interactions on the view of your application: TouchUtils. The touch events are sent to the UI thread safely from the test thread; therefore, the methods of the TouchUtils class should not be invoked in the UI thread. Some of the methods provided by this helper class are as follows:
The Android testing API provides some classes to create mock system objects. Mock objects are fake objects that simulate the behavior of real objects but are totally controlled by the test. They allow isolation of tests from the rest of the system. Mock objects can, for example, simulate a part of the system that has not been implemented yet, or a part that is not practical to be tested.
In Android, the following mock classes can be found: MockApplication, MockContext, MockContentProvider, MockCursor, MockDialogInterface, MockPackageManager, MockResources, and MockContentResolver. These classes are under the android.test.mock package. The methods of these objects are nonfunctional and throw an exception if they are called. You have to override the methods that you want to use.
In this section, we will create an example application so that we can learn how to implement the test cases to evaluate it. Some of the methods presented in the previous section will be put into practice. You can download the example code files from your account at http://www.packtpub.com.
Our example is a simple alarm application that consists of two activities: MainActivity and SecondActivity. The MainActivity implements a self-built digital clock using text views and buttons. The purpose of creating a self-built digital clock is to have more code and elements to use in our tests. The layout of MainActivity is a relative one that includes two text views: one for the hour (the tvHour ID) and one for the minutes (the tvMinute ID). There are two buttons below the clock: one to subtract 10 minutes from the clock (the bMinus ID) and one to add 10 minutes to the clock (the bPlus ID). There is also an edit text field to specify the alarm name. Finally, there is a button to launch the second activity (the bValidate ID). Each button has a pertinent method that receives the click event when the button is pressed. The layout looks like the following screenshot:
The SecondActivity receives the hour from the MainActivity and shows its value in a text view simulating that the alarm was saved. The objective to create this second activity is to be able to test the launch of another activity in our test case.
In this article, you learned how to use unit tests that allow developers to quickly verify the state and behavior of an activity on its own.