In this article by Enrique Fernández, Luis Sánchez Crespo, Anil Mahtani, and Aaron Martinez, authors of the book Learning ROS for Robotics Programming - Second Edition, you will see the different levels of filesystems in ROS.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
When you start to use or develop projects with ROS, you will see that although this concept can sound strange in the beginning, you will become familiar with it with time.
Similar to an operating system, an ROS program is divided into folders, and these folders have files that describe their functionalities:
Basically, the workspace is a folder where we have packages, edit the source files or compile packages. It is useful when you want to compile various packages at the same time and is a good place to have all our developments localized.
A typical workspace is shown in the following screenshot. Each folder is a different space with a different role:
You have two options with regard to building packages with catkin. The first one is to use the standard CMake workflow. With this, you can compile one package at a time, as shown in the following commands:
$ cmake packageToBuild/
$ make
If you want to compile all your packages, you can use the catkin_make command line, as shown in the following commands:
$ cd workspace
$ catkin_make
Both commands build the executables in the build space directory configured in ROS.
Another interesting feature of ROS are its overlays. When you are working with a package of ROS, for example, Turtlesim, you can do it with the installed version, or you can download the source file and compile it to use your modified version.
ROS permits you to use your version of this package instead of the installed version. This is very useful information if you are working on an upgrade of an installed package.
Usually, when we talk about packages, we refer to a typical structure of files and folders. This structure looks as follows:
To create, modify, or work with packages, ROS gives us tools for assistance, some of which are as follows:
To move between packages and their folders and files, ROS gives us a very useful package called rosbash, which provides commands that are very similar to Linux commands. The following are a few examples:
The package.xml file must be in a package, and it is used to specify information about the package. If you find this file inside a folder, probably this folder is a package or a metapackage.
If you open the package.xml file, you will see information about the name of the package, dependencies, and so on. All of this is to make the installation and the distribution of these packages easy.
Two typical tags that are used in the package.xml file are <build_depend> and <run _depend>.
The <build_depend> tag shows what packages must be installed before installing the current package. This is because the new package might use a functionality of another package.
As we have shown earlier, metapackages are special packages with only one file inside; this file is package.xml. This package does not have other files, such as code, includes, and so on.
Metapackages are used to refer to others packages that are normally grouped following a feature-like functionality, for example, navigation stack, ros_tutorials, and so on.
You can convert your stacks and packages from ROS Fuerte to Hydro and catkin using certain rules for migration. These rules can be found at http://wiki.ros.org/catkin/migrating_from_rosbuild.
In the following screenshot, you can see the content from the package.xml file in the ros_tutorials metapackage. You can see the <export> tag and the <run_depend> tag. These are necessary in the package manifest.
If you want to locate the ros_tutorials metapackage, you can use the following command:
$ rosstack find ros_tutorials
The output will be a path, such as /opt/ros/hydro/share/ros_tutorials.
To see the code inside, you can use the following command line:
$ vim /opt/ros/hydro/share/ros_tutorials/package.xml
Remember that Hydro uses metapackages, not stacks, but the rosstack find command line works to find metapackages.
ROS uses a simplified message description language to describe the data values that ROS nodes publish. With this description, ROS can generate the right source code for these types of messages in several programming languages.
ROS has a lot of messages predefined, but if you develop a new message, it will be in the msg/ folder of your package. Inside that folder, certain files with the .msg extension define the messages.
A message must have two principal parts: fields and constants. Fields define the type of data to be transmitted in the message, for example, int32, float32, and string, or new types that you have created earlier, such as type1 and type2. Constants define the name of the fields.
An example of a msg file is as follows:
int32 id
float32 vel
string name
In ROS, you can find a lot of standard types to use in messages, as shown in the following table list:
Primitive type
bool (1)
unsigned 8-bit int
signed 8-bit int
unsigned 8-bit int
signed 16-bit int
unsigned 16-bit int
signed 32-bit int
unsigned 32-bit int
signed 64-bit int
unsigned 64-bit int
32-bit IEEE float
64-bit IEEE float
ascii string (4)
secs/nsecs signed 32-bit ints
secs/nsecs signed 32-bit ints
A special type in ROS is the header type. This is used to add the time, frame, and so on. This permits you to have the messages numbered, to see who is sending the message, and to have more functions that are transparent for the user and that ROS is handling.
The header type contains the following fields:
uint32 seq
time stamp
string frame_id
You can see the structure using the following command:
$ rosmsg show std_msgs/Header
Thanks to the header type, it is possible to record the timestamp and frame of what is happening with the robot.
In ROS, there exist tools to work with messages. The rosmsg tool prints out the message definition information and can find the source files that use a message type.
In the upcoming sections, we will see how to create messages with the right tools.
ROS uses a simplified service description language to describe ROS service types. This builds directly upon the ROS msg format to enable request/response communication between nodes. Service descriptions are stored in .srv files in the srv/ subdirectory of a package.
To call a service, you need to use the package name, along with the service name; for example, you will refer to the sample_package1/srv/sample1.srv file as sample_package1/sample1.
There are tools that exist to perform functions with services. The rossrv tool prints out the service descriptions and packages that contain the .srv files, and finds source files that use a service type.
If you want to create a service, ROS can help you with the service generator. These tools generate code from an initial specification of the service. You only need to add the gensrv() line to your CMakeLists.txt file.
In this article, we saw the different types of filesystems present in the ROS architecture.
Further resources on this subject: