(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Security, privacy, and safeguards for intellectual property are at the front of the minds of those of us building Titanium Enterprise apps. Titanium allows you to combine the underlying platform tools and third-party JavaScript libraries to help meet your security requirements.
This article provides a series of approaches on how to leverage JavaScript, Titanium modules, and the underlying platform to enable you to create a layered security approach to assist you in meeting your organization's overall secure development goals. Each recipe is designed to provide building blocks to help you implement your industry's existing security and privacy standards.
Starting with iOS 4, Apple introduced the ability for apps to use the data protection feature to add an additional level of security for data stored on disk. Data protection uses the built-in hardware encryption to encrypt files stored on the device. This feature is available when the user's device is locked and protected with a passcode lock. During this time, all files are protected and inaccessible until the user explicitly unlocks the device.
When the device is locked, no app can access protected files. This even applies to the app that created the file.
This recipe uses the securely native module for enhanced security functionality. This module and other code assets can be downloaded from the source provided by the book. Installing these in your project is straightforward. Simply copy the modules folder into your project as shown in the following screenshot:
After copying the mentioned folder, you will need to click on your tiapp.xml file in Titanium Studio and add a reference to the bencoding.securely module as shown in the following screenshot:
This recipe requires your iOS device to have data protection enabled. You will need a device as the simulator does not support data protection. The following steps cover how to enable this feature on your device:
A third-party iOS device browser is needed to verify that data protection for the example recipe app has successfully been enabled. This recipe discusses how to verify data protection using the popular iExplorer app. An evaluation version of the iExplorer app can be used to follow along with this recipe. For more information and to download iExplorer, please visit http://www.macroplant.com/iexplorer.
To enable iOS data protection, the DataProtectionClass and com.apple.developer.default-data-protection keys need to be added to your tiapp.xml as demonstrated in the following code snippet:
<ios> <plist> <dict>
<key>DataProtectionClass</key> <string>NSFileProtectionComplete</string> <key>com.apple.developer. default-data-protection</key> <string>NSFileProtectionComplete</string> </dict> </plist> </ios>
Once you have added the securely module and added the tiapp.xml updates to your project, you need to create your application namespace in the app.js file and use require to import the module into your code as the following code snippet demonstrates:
//Create our application namespace var my = { secure : require('bencoding.securely') };
The following steps outline how to create the UI used in this recipe:
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor: '#fff', title: 'Data Protection Example', barColor:'#000',layout:'vertical' });
var button1 = Ti.UI.createButton({ title:'Create Test File', top:25, height:45, left:5, right:5 }); win.add(button1);
To verify if data protection is enabled in the app, the recipe creates a time-stamped file in the Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory directory. Using an iOS device browser, we can verify if the test file is protected when the device is locked. The following steps describe how the recipe creates this test file:
if(!my.secure.isProtectedDataAvailable()){ alert('Protected data is not yet available.'); return; }
var timeToken = String.formatDate(new Date(),"medium") + String.formatTime(new Date()); var msg = "When device is locked you will not be able"; msg += " to read this file. Your time token is "; msg += timeToken;
var testfile = Ti.Filesystem.getFile( Ti.Filesystem.applicationDataDirectory, 'test.txt'); if(testfile.exists()){ testfile.deleteFile(); } testfile.write(msg); testfile = null;
var alertMsg = "Please lock your device."; alertMsg+= "Then open an iOS Device Browser."; alertMsg+= "The time token you are looking for is "; alertMsg+= timeToken; alert(alertMsg);
After the DataProtectionClass and com.apple.developer.default-data-protection keys have been added to your tiapp.xml, the iOS device handles protecting your files when the device is locked. The following steps discuss how to test that this recipe has correctly implemented data protection:
The Advanced Encryption Standard ( AES ) is a specification for the encryption of electronic data established by the U.S. NIST in 2001. This encryption algorithm is used for securing sensitive, but unclassified material by U.S. Government agencies. AES has been widely adopted by enterprise and has become a de facto encryption standard for many commercially sensitive transactions.
This recipe discusses how AES can be implemented in JavaScript and incorporated into your Titanium Enterprise app.
This recipe uses the Ti.SlowAES CommonJS module as a wrapper around the SlowAES open source project. Installing these in your project is straightforward. Simply copy the SlowAES folder into the Resources folder of your project as shown in the following screenshot:
Once you have added the SlowAES folder to your project, next you need to create your application namespace in the app.js file and use require to import the module into your code as the following code snippet demonstrates:
//Create our application namespace var my = { mod : require('SlowAES/Ti.SlowAES') };
This recipe demonstrates the usage of the Ti.SlowAES CommonJS module through a sample app using two Ti.UI.TextField controls for input.
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor: '#fff', title: 'AES Crypto Example', barColor:'#000',layout:'vertical',fullscreen:false });
var txtSecret = Ti.UI.createTextField({ value:'DoNotTell',hintText:'Enter Secret', height:45, left:5, right:5, borderStyle:Ti.UI.INPUT_BORDERSTYLE_ROUNDED }); win.add(txtSecret);
var txtToEncrypt = Ti.UI.createTextField({ value:'some information we want to encrypt', hintText:'Enter information to encrypt', height:45, left:5, right:5, borderStyle:Ti.UI.INPUT_BORDERSTYLE_ROUNDED }); win.add(txtToEncrypt);
var encryptedLabel = Ti.UI.createLabel({ top:10, height:65, left:5, right:5,color:'#000', textAlign:'left',font:{fontSize:14} }); win.add(encryptedLabel);
var btnEncrypt = Ti.UI.createButton({ title:'Run Encryption Test', top:25, height:45, left:5, right:5 }); win.add(btnEncrypt);
This section demonstrates how to use the Ti.SlowAES module to use the secret entered in the txtSecret, Ti.UI.TextField to encrypt the contents of the txtToEncrypt, Ti.UI.TextField. Once completed, the encrypted value is then decrypted and compared against the original input. The results are displayed to the user in an alert message as shown in the following screenshots:
The encryption test is performed when the click event for the btnEncrypt control is fired as shown in the following code snippet:
var crypto = new my.mod();
var encryptedValue = crypto.encrypt(txtToEncrypt.value,txtSecret.value);
encryptedLabel.text = 'Encrypted:' + encryptedValue;
var decryptedValue = crypto.decrypt(encryptedValue,txtSecret.value);
alert((txtToEncrypt.value ===decryptedValue) ? 'Encryption Test successfully ran check console for details.': 'Test failed, please check console for details.'); });