On Tuesday, Racket, a general-purpose programming language announced Racket 7.5. Racket is based on the Scheme dialect of Lisp programming language and is designed to be a platform for programming language design and implementation. Racket is also used to refer to the family of Racket programming languages and the set of tools supporting development on and with Racket.
Additionally with the above changes, in the Racket 7.5 MacOS Catalina 10.15 includes a new requirement that executables be “notarized”, to give Apple the ability to prevent certain kinds of malware. In this release, all of the disk images (.dmg’s) are notarized, along with the applications that they contain (.app’s).
Many users may not notice any difference, but two groups of Catalina users will be affected; First those who use the “racket” binary directly, and second, those that download the .tgz bundles. In both cases, the operating system is likely to inform that the given executable is not trusted, or that the developer can’t be verified. Fortunately, both groups of users are probably also running commands in a shell, hence the solution for both groups will be the same that is to disable the quarantine flag using the xattr command, for example, xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /path/to/racket.
To know more about this news, check out the official announcement on the Racket page.
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